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Wayfinder midmif format files

The Wayfinder midmif format files, and CPIF files for POIs

  • The resulting files for Denmark from OSM midmif when parsed with the midmif_osm2wayfinder.pl script.
  • The resulting files for Sweden from OSM midmif when parsed with the midmif_osm2wayfinder.pl script.
  • The resulting files for France (central Paris) from Tele Atlas midmif when parsed with the midmif_taMNshape2wayfinder.pl script.

Setting files

The following three files:

  1. OSMdenmark
  2. OSMsweden
  3. TAfrance

are used for the following steps:

  • parse variable file for converting supplier midmif to Wayfinder midmif
  • variable file for map generation
  • municipal midmif areafiles
  • add region (ar) and create overview (co) xml files

merge_OSM_dkse_TA_fr_settings handles:

  • create overview (coo) xml file for super overview map
  • copyright bounding box xml file
  • street segment stitch file for fixing the gap in the bridge between Denmark and Sweden in OSM maps.


mcm files containing the results from different map generations:

  • The final mcm maps from the first generation of Denmark from OSM, including backups after_mapDataExtr and before_merge:
  • The final mcm maps from the second generation of Denmark from OSM, including the before_merge backup which is used as input for merge map generation:
  • The final mcm maps from the second generation of Sweden from OSM, including the before_merge backup which is used as input for merge map generation:
  • The final mcm maps from the second generation of France from Tele Atlas, including the before_merge backup which is used as input for merge map generation:
  • The final mcm maps, m3 maps and search and route caches for the merge of OSM Denmark and Sweden and TA France: