Wayfinder midmif specification

Requirements for Wayfinder maps

There are some basic requirements that must be met with for maps in the Wayfinder Server.

The maps must meet with requirements for at least two functions; searching and routing, but preferably also with the third function - map display. Additional requirement for navigation is that the street network positional accuracy must be high enough to match GPS positions.

  • Administrative areas
    The maps must have a hierarchy of named administrative areas, which are used for searching. At least municipal, in combination with built-up areas or other features for the search index are required. The municipals must cover the complete mapped area (= part of or an entire country) seamlessly, i.e. no area must lack a municipality. The municipals are used for drawing land in the map. Built-up areas corresponds to cities and are used for drawing cities in the map.
  • The street network
    The streets must have names in order to find them when searching. There must preferably be a road classification in order to distinguish difference importance when drawing the map. If navigation is needed the street network must also have connectivity, which means that connecting street segments must share a node. Moreover attributes for different kinds of traffic rules must be included.
  • Land coverage
    Land coverage types are needed to make the map look nice, eg waters, parks, railways, industrial areas and public buildings.
  • Points of interests
    POIs add value to the map. The POIs are possible to find when searching and some POI types are shown as symbols in the map, eg restaurants, hotels, train stations, hospitals, petrol stations and airports. POIs of type city centres are needed in order to display city names in the map.

Wayfinder maps from midmif

Maps for the Wayfinder server can be created from midmif files, which is the MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF). It consists of one file with coordinate information (file suffix .mif) and one with attribute information (file suffix .mid). This is not to be confused with the MapInfo Format consisting of files with suffix .map .dat etc. Regarding the ESRI shape file format, it is easy to convert from shape to midmif.

Several types of items can be created from the midmif format. Here is a list with the available types (alphabetical order) and a short description. For a more detailed description of the types, we refer to eg Tele Atlas MultiNet documentation.

  • aircraft roads
    Airport runways
  • airports
    Areas containing the airport ground including terminal buildings and runways.
  • buildings
    Areas with special use. Use only if the cartographic item does not fit, eg for industrial areas.
  • built-up areas
    Populated areas, cities.
  • cartographics
    Areas with special use, only used for display in the map. Examples are hospital ground, cemetery ground.
  • city parts
    Sub areas that divides built-up areas into smaller units well-known to residentials, districs. It is an administrative area level beneath municipal and built-up area. It is used for further specifying the location of streets and POIs when returning search results.
  • ferries
    Transportation via ferry lines, for cars or for passengers only.
  • forests
    Areas covered with forest.
  • individual buildings
    It represents the actual outline of individual houses, not only the ground on which the houses are built. An individual building can be any house, eg parking garages, airport terminal buldings, sport arenas, churches and other buildings that add value to the map.
  • islands
    Areas with land in lakes, rivers and archipelagoes.
  • municipals
    Administrative areas, equal to Tele Atlas MultiNet order8 areas.
  • parks
    Areas covered with parks, either city parks or national parks.
  • railways
    The railways used for transportation.
  • street segments
    The street network.
  • waters
    Areas covered with water.
  • zip code areas
    Postal code areas. They do not have a true geographical representation in the Wayfinder maps, but are created from attributes of street segments.

Points of interest (POIs) are not added to the mcm maps directly from midmif, but via the internal SQL database called WASP (Wayfinder Administration System for Points-of-interest). In the database different kinds of information can be stored about each POI, including name, address, coordinate and business category. POIs must therefor be imported into the database before added to the mcm maps. An import format directly from midmif to WASP database has not yet been developed. Other import formats are used, eg Wayfinder Simple POI Import Format (SPIF) or Wayfinder Complex POI Import Format (CPIF).

Mandatory attributes for POIs are: `name* poi type and coordinate. Additional attributes are: address, zip code, city, phone number, web site, opening hours and more..

Internal creation introduction

The mcm maps are initialized by adding the municipals, of which each map constitutes. Here also the mcm map gfxData is created from mif files holding the outline coordinates of each map. The gfxData forms the geographical extent of each map, which is needed to decide in which map the rest of the items should be added (if the check must be performed based on geographical location). The mcm maps are then successively created by adding the remaining item types from midmif files, one type at a time in any order. All items of one type can for this step preferably be included in the same file. When adding street segments some restrictions and connection attributes can be set using turn tables.

All steps in this creation process are performed with GenerateMapServer. To init each mcm map the --initMapFromMidMid option is called with the municipal file as parameter. To add the remaining items to all of the maps the --createItemsFromMidMif option is called with the item midmif file as parameter.

The midmif items from files in the call to createItemsFromMidMif() will be added to the mcm map which they fit in. There are some different option for how to decide if one item fits a mcm map:

  • based on geometry
    If the first coordinate of the item is inside the mcm map gfxData it fits the map.
  • settlement id
    If the item has the settlementID attribute set it is added to the mcm map which had the admin area with midID settlementID and are of settlementOrder added to it. The settlementID info may be provided from the map supplier, or be calculated in the process of creating Wayfinder midmif format.
  • option addAllMidMifItems
    An option that makes all items from the midmif file to be added to the mcm map. Good to use if you have only one map inte the country and addition on geometry will not work, eg street segments outside land (eg bridges) or you do not have settlement location available.
  • map ssi coordinate
    The item will be added to the mcm map which contains the map ssi coordinate, a coordinate which it specified at the end of the mid row for the item. This option can not be used in creation of maps from scratch from midmif, but only for adding extra itesm to the mcm maps later in the process since it requires street segments to be present in the mcm map.

The result of this creation process are raw mcm maps with all type of items included as well as some restrictions etc. The process must then be followed by misc post processing to complete locations, turn descriptions, connections between maps, and overview maps creation.

The midmif files

For the midmif files to be used when creating Wayfinder maps, there are some requirements.

File name

For convenience there should be one midmif file per item type. The file name includes what type of items it contains. If eg one midmif file holds built-up areas the file name could include the word builtupareaitem”, if it holds parks the name could include parkitem” etc (case ignored). The MC2 system really requires that the item type is included in the file name in order to know what type of items to create. See ItemTypes::getItemTypeFromString for the item type strings. Case is ignored. Likewise, the mif file with the outline coordinates (gfxData) of each mcm map must have the same name as the midmif file with the municipals for that map, followed by the word map. If eg the municipal file is called dk_municipalItems.mid and dk_municipalItems.mif, the gfxData file must be called dk_municipalItemsmap.mif

Valid mif features

The mif file must only contain the geographical MIF features Point, Line´, Pline or Region`.

The mif header

The mif header must state which coordinate system is used for expressing the coordinates in the mif file. This is done by the word Coordsys” followed by a code for the coordinate system according to:

  • mc2
    The internal coordinate system in the Wayfinder mcm maps, with coordinate order (latitude, longitude).
  • gs84_latlon_deg
    WGS84 coordinates expressed in degrees, with coordinate order (latitude, longitude).
  • wgs84_lonlat_deg
    WGS84 coordinates expressed in degrees, with coordinate order (longitude, latitude).
  • rt90
    The Swedish national reference system, with coordinate order (latitude, longitude).
  • rt90_lonlat
    The Swedish national reference system, with coordinate order (longitude, latitude).
  • utm x
    UTM coordinate system zone x, with coordinate order (latitude, longitude).
  • utm_lonlat x
    UTM coordinate system zone x, with coordinate order (longitude, latitude).

If any false easting or false northing is present on the coordinates this also must be stated in the mif header. The keywords are falseEasting and falseNorthing. Example of mif header for coordinates expressed in the UTM system:

Version 300 Charset “WindowsLatin1” Delimiter “,” Coordsys utm_lonlat 39 falseNorthing -2000000 falseEasting 500000 Columns 25 id decimal (11,0) name char (25) … Data

The only exception from giving the Coordsys tag is when the coordinates are expressed in the mc2 coordinate system with normal coordinate order (latitude, longitude). This is considered to be the default system. However, it is recommended to give the tag anyway in order to always know what coordinate system is used in the mif file.

The mid file

The mid file is comma separated and must hold certain attributes for each type of item. Common attributes for all items are midID and name. Many items do not have any other attributes than the common ones, eg built-up areas, railways and individual buildings. Some items have one additional item specific attribute giving a type for the item, eg waters, parks and buildings. For street segments several item specific attributes are required giving the speed limit, house numbering, road class and many more. Below follows a specification of which attributes are required for each item type. Attributes in italic are extra attributes that can be used if available, but are not mandatory.

If adding extra midmif items to maps (not in the creation from midmif), it is for all item types possible to specify a map ssi coordinate at the very end of the mid row. This coordinate defines in which mcm map the midmif item should be added. The coordinate is expressed in mc2 units and must be within 2 meters from any street segment item in the correct mcm map. If using such a map ssi coordinate the GenerateMapServer --createItemsFromMidMif option must be combined with the --useCoordToFindCorrectMap option. The mid row for forest item will be midID, name, allNames, mapssilat, mapssilon.

  • AircraftRoadItem
    midID, name, allNames
  • AirportItem
    midID, name, allNames, settlementId, settlementOrder
  • BuildingItem
    midID, name, allNames, buildingType
  • BuiltUpAreaItem
    midID, name, allNames, settlementId, settlementOrder, indexAreaOrder
  • CartographicItem
    midID, name, allNames, cartographicType
  • CityPartItem
    midID, name, allNames, settlementId, settlementOrder
  • FerryItem
    midID, name, allNames, roadClass, posSpeed, negSpeed, posEntryRstr, negEntryRestr, levelNode0, levelNode1, roadToll, ferryType, node0borderNode, node1borderNode
  • ForestItem
    midID, name, allNames
  • IndividualBuildingItem
    midID, name, allNames, individualBuildingType
  • IslandItem
    midID, name, allNames
  • MunicipalItem
    midID, name, allNames
  • ParkItem
    midID, name, allNames, parkType
  • RailwayItem
    midID, name, allNames, settlementId, settlementOrder
  • StreetSegmentItem
    midID, name, allNames, roadClass, posSpeed, negSpeed, posEntryRestr, negEntryRestr, nbrLanes, width, maxHeight, maxWeight, leftStart, leftEnd, rightStart, rightEnd, paved, levelNode0, levelNode1, roundabout, ramp, divided, multidig, roadToll, controlledAccess, roundaboutish, leftZipCode, rightZipCode, leftSettlementId, rightSettlementId, settlementOrder, node0borderNode, node1borderNode, roadDisplayClass
  • WaterItem
    midID, name, allNames, waterType, settlementId, settlementOrder

Here follows a definition of all attributes. Common attributes:

  • midID
    Mid id number of the item to create, positive integer value.
  • name
    A string with the official name or any other name of the item, surrounded by " characters, eg "Lund". If the item has no name give an empty string, "".
  • allNames
    A string holding all names of the item, eg officialName, alternativeName and roadNumber in any language (short version), eg swe, eng and ger. See section Name types and section Name languages for valid name types and languages. For roadNumber give invalidLanguage as language since a number has no language. Every name is constructed according to name:nameType:nameLanguage. The separator is the : character (colon). This implies that Wayfinder currently can not handle names that includes the : character. If the item has more than one name the names are separated with a space character. The whole string is surrounded by " characters, eg "North Avenue:officialName:eng A10:roadNumber:invalidLanguage". If the item has no name give an empty string, "".
  • settlementId
    The mid settlement id for the item, integer value.
  • settlementOrder
    The order of the settlementId, integer value. 1 meaning order1, 8 meaning order8, etc. The orders are tied to Wayfinder item types in this way:
    • 8 Municipal item. 9 City part item. 99 Built-up area item.
    • mapssilat
      The map ssi coordinate, decides correct map for an item if there is a street segment within 2 meter from this coord. Signed integer value, expressed in mc2 units.
  • mapssilon
    The map ssi coordinate, decides correct map for an item if there is a street segment within 2 meter from this coord. Signed integer value, expressed in mc2 units.

Item sub type attributes. For more detailed description of the attributes, we refer to Tele Atlas MultiNet documentation:

  • waterType A string with the water type for the waterItem (ocean, lake, river, canal, harbour). The string is surrounded by “-characters, eg “lake”, “ocean”.
  • parkType
    A string with the park type for parkItems (cityPark, regionOrNationalPark). The string is surrounded by " characters, i.e. “cityPark” or “regionOrNationalPark”.
  • buildingType
    A string with the building type for BuildingItems. Not used anymore, no effect regardless of what is given in this string, simply use unknownType. The string is surrounded by “-characters, “unknownType”.
  • ferryType
    The type of ferry where 0=operatedByShip (default) and 1=operatedByTrain.
  • cartographicType
    A string with the cartographic type for CartographicItems. The string is surrounded by “-characters, eg “golfGround”, “hospitalGround”. For a list of possible string values see section Cartographic types or the mc2 OldCartographicItem::stringToCartographicType() method.
  • individualBuildingType
    A string with the type for individualBuildingItems (publicIndividualBuilding, otherIndividualBuilding, airportTerminal, parkingGarage). The string is surrounded by “-characters, i.e. “publicIndividualBuilding” or “parkingGarage”. Please, see the mc2 enum OldIndividualBuildingItem::stringToBuildingType for all possible types.

Built-up areas if they are index areas. For more detailed description of the attributes, we refer to eg Tele Atlas MultiNet documentation.

  • indexAreaOrder
    The order of index area if the built-up area item should be used as an index area. Integer value. Index area order 7 represents some kind of large area, eg county or so. Order 8 represents large city, order 9 represents city part, and order 10 represents sub city part.

Street segment (and ferry) attributes. For more detailed description of the attributes, we refer to eg Tele Atlas MultiNet documentation:

  • roadClass The road class of the street segment, enum integer 0-4 (see section Road class or mc2 enum ItemTypes::roadClass).
  • posSpeed
    The speed limit (km/h) for travelling the street segment in positive direction (from node0 to node1), any integer value.
  • negSpeed
    The speed limit (km/h) for travelling the street segment in negative direction (from node1 to node0), any integer value.
  • posEntryRestr
    The entry restriction for node0, enum integer 0-3 (see section Entry restrictions or mc2 enum ItemTypes::entryrestriction_t).
  • negEntryRestr
    The entry restriction for node1, enum integer 0-3 (see section Entry restrictions or mc2 enum ItemTypes::entryrestriction_t).
  • nbrLanes
    Number of lanes in each direction of the segment, integer value. If this information is not present, leave the field empty.
  • width
    The width (meters) of the segment, integer value. If this information is not present, leave the field empty.
  • maxHeight
    The maximum free height (meters) when traveling the segment, integer value. If this information is not present, leave the field empty.
  • maxWeight
    The maximum allowed weight on the segment, integer value. If this information is not present, leave the field empty.
  • leftStart
    Left side starting house number, integer value. If no house numbers, use 0.
  • leftEnd
    Left side end house number, integer value. If no house numbers, use 0.
  • rightStart
    Right side starting house number, integer value. If no house numbers, use 0.
  • rightEnd
    Right side end house number, integer value. If no house numbers, use 0.
  • paved If the segment is paved or unpaved, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • levelNode0
    Level in node 0, integer value [ -1, 0, 1 ]. If this information is not present, leave the field empty.
  • levelNode1
    Level in node 1, integer value [ -1, 0. 1 ]. If this information is not present, leave the field empty.
  • roundabout
    If the segment is part of a roundabout, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • ramp
    If the segment is a ramp, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • divided
    If the segment is divided, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • multidig
    If the segment is multiply digitalized, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • roadToll
    If the segment has a road toll, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • controlledAccess
    If the segment is a controlled access road, ie the only way to access the road is via a ramp, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • roundaboutish
    If the segment is part of a roundabout-like traffic figure, boolean string “Y” or “N”. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • leftZipCode
    The zip code for the left side of the street segment (counted from node0), string value eg “22280”. Use the empty string “” if the street segment has no left zipCode.
  • rightZipCode
    The zip code for the right side of the street segment (counted from node0), string value eg “22280”. Use the empty string “” if the street segment has no right zipCode.
  • leftSettlementId
    The mid settlement id for the left side of the street segment (counted from node0), integer value.
  • rightSettlementId
    The mid settlement id for the right side of the street segment (counted from node0), integer value.
  • settlementOrder
    The order of the settlementIds, integer value. 1 meaning order1, 8 meaning order8, etc. The orders are tied to Wayfinder item types in this way: * 8 Municipal item. * 9 City part item. * 99 Built-up area item.
  • node0borderNode
    If node 0 is on the border to another country or dataset, boolean string “Y” for true and “N” or empty string “” for false. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • node1borderNode
    If node 1 is on the border to another country or dataset, boolean string “Y” for true and “N” or empty string “” for false. “True” and “False” also accepted.
  • roadDisplayClass
    The road display class of the street segment. For distinguishing different types of streets when drawing map images. Defined values are (see also ItemTypes::roadDisplayClass_t): * -1 invalid road display class * 0 partOfWalkway * 1 partOfPedestrianZone * 2 roadForAuthorities * 3 entranceExitCarPark * 4 etaParkingGarage * 5 etaParkingPlace * 6 etaUnstructTrafficSquare * 7 partOfServiceRoad * 8 roadUnderContruction

Any left and/or right zipCode provided for a street segment will be used for creating zip code items in the Wayfinder map. The left and/or right settlementId is used for deciding in which map a street segment fits. The settlementOrder gives the order of the left and right settlementId, order meaning order0, order1, order2, etc, where order8 is Wayfinder municipal item and order9 is Wayfinder city part item. The special order99 is Wayfinder built-up area item. Example: A street segment has left settlementId 67 and order 9. The segment should be added to the map that has a city part item created from midmif which has midId 67. If no city part items exist, try finding a order8 with midId 67 instead.

Example of mid file for street segments

1,"A10","Pampas Highway}officialName}eng A10}roadNumber}invalidLanguage" \
2,"A10","Pampas Highway}officialName}eng A10}roadNumber}invalidLanguage" \
4,"North Ramp","North Ramp}officialName}eng" \
20,"Pine Street","Pine Street}officialName}eng" \
606969,"Árok utca","Árok utca}officialName}hun",3,50,50,0,0,,,,,0,0,0,0 \

Example of mid file for built-up areas

25,"Copenhagen","Copenhagen:officialName:eng Köpenhamn:officialName:swe \

Example of mid file for building items


Example of mid file for cartographic items

13,"University of London","Univeristy of London:officialName:eng" \
14,"Old Sanctuary","Old Sanctuary:officialName:eng","cemetaryGround"
15,"King Georges Hospital","King Georges Hospital:officialName:eng" \
16,"Abbey Field","Abbey Field:officialName:eng","golfGround"

Turn tables

The midmif files only holds attributes for each item individually. Any restrictions between street segments, such as vehicle restrictions, cannot be stored in midmif files. However, by using turn tables restrictions and other connection attributes can be expressed.
The turn table is a tab separated text file. It holds columns with information about relations between the segments in the street segments file. The choice of keys for the columns in the turn table is inspired by ESRI turn tables. The segments are identified by the midIDs given in the street segment mid-file, the from-segment as ARC1_ and the to-segment as ARC2_. The restriction or other connection attribute is is given by the IMPEDANCE. Currently the following values are valid:

  • 0
    No impedance, means that there are no restriction or other connection attribute.
  • -1 The turn from from-id to to-id is restricted. The vehicle restrictions of the connection from from-id to to-id is set to 0x80, meaning that all vehicles, pedestrians excepted, are prohibited to make the turn. If the from-id is -1 all connections to the to-id are given vehicle restriction 0x80.
  • -2 The turn from from-id to to-id is a bifurcation. The toNode of the connection is marked with junction type bifurcation.

One example of a turn table:

1       1       2       2        -1
2       2       1       1        -1
3       3       20      20       -1
4       3       20      4         0
4348    16      1080    1070     -2
1386511 -1      -1      602947   -1

To enable handling in the MC2-system when adding midmif items to mcm maps, it must have the same name as the street segment file followed by the word “turntable”. If eg the street segment file is named streetSegmentItems.mid/mif the turn table must be called streetSegmentItemsturntable.txt.

Please see GMSMidMifHandler::extractRestrictionsFromTurnTable for more details.


Here follows definitions of some attributes, as well as enumerations of available Wayfinder name types and name languages.

Road class

The street network is classified in a hierarchical structure of road classes, see also the mc2 enum ItemTypes::roadClass.

  • 0 Main Road.
    These roads allow for high volume, maximum speed traffic movement between and through major metropolitan areas. There are very few, if any, speed changes. Access to the road is usually controlled.
  • 1 First Class Road.
    These roads are used to channel traffic to Main Roads for travel between and through cities in the shortest amount of time. There are very few, if any, speed changes.
  • 2 Second Class Road.
    These roads interconnect First Class Roads and provide a high volume of traffic movement at a lower level of mobility than First Class Roads.
  • 3 Third Class Road.
    These roads provide for a high volume of traffic movement at moderate speeds between neighborhoods. These roads connect with higher Class Roads to collect and distribute traffic between neighborhoods.
  • 4 Fourth Class Road.
    These roads’ volume and traffic movements are below the level of any other Class Roads.

Entry restrictions

The available types of entry restrictions, see also the mc2 enum `ItemTypes::entryrestriction_t´

  • 0 - noRestrictions
    There are no restrictions when entering the street segment or ferry in this node.
  • 1 - noThroughfare
    Throughfare is not allowed when entering the street segment or ferry in this node.
  • 2 - noEntry
    It is not allowed to enter the steet segment or ferry in this node.
  • 3 - noWay
    The street segment or ferry is one-way, not allowed to travel in direction from this node.

Name types

The available name types, see also the mc2 enum ItemTypes::name_t

  • officialName
    The name is the official name in one name language.
  • alternativeName
    The name is an alternative name.
  • roadNumber
    The name is a roadnumber (has no name language).
  • abbreviationName
    The name is an abbreviation of the true name (probably the official or alternative name).
  • exitNumber
    The name is an exit number on a road sign that can be seen on certain highways.
  • synonymName
    The name is a synonym. Synonym names will be used in seraching, but will not be displayed unless there is no other name with any of the other name types.

Name languages

A snapshot of the available name languages, short version and long version. See the mc2 enum LangTypes::language_t and the LangTypes::languageAsString table for a list of all available languages.
The name language invalidLanguage shall be used for names with name type roadNumber, since roadNumbers by definition have no language.

  • alb - albanian
  • baq - basque
  • cat - catalan
  • cze - czech
  • dan - danish
  • dut - dutch
  • eng - english
  • ame - english (us)
  • fin - finnish
  • fre - french
  • fry - frisian
  • glg - galician
  • ger - german
  • gre - greek
  • grl - greek latin syntax
  • hun - hungarian
  • gle - irish
  • ita - italian
  • ltz - letzeburgesch
  • nor - norwegian
  • pol - polish
  • por - portuguese
  • roh - raeto romance
  • rus - russian
  • scr - serbo croatian
  • slo - slovak
  • slv - slovenian
  • spa - spanish
  • swe - swedish
  • val - valencian
  • wel - welch
  • invalidLanguage - invalidLanguage
  • rul - russian latin syntax
  • tur - turkish
  • ara - arabic

Cartographic types

The available string values for cartographic type of cartographic items. See also mc2 enum class ItemSubTypes::cartographicType_t

  • amusementParkGroun`d
  • campingGround
  • toll
  • freeport
  • abbeyGround
  • artsCentreGround
  • castleNotToVisitGround
  • castleToVisitGround
  • churchGround
  • cityHallGround
  • courthouseGround
  • fireStationGround
  • fortressGround
  • golfGround
  • governmentBuildingGround
  • hospitalGround
  • libraryGround
  • lightHouseGround
  • monasteryGround
  • museumGround
  • parkingAreaGround
  • placeOfInterestBuilding
  • policeOfficeGround
  • prisonGround
  • railwayStationGround
  • recreationalAreaGround
  • restAreaGround
  • sportsHallGround
  • stadiumGround
  • statePoliceOffice
  • theatreGround
  • universityOrCollegeGround
  • waterMillGround
  • zooGround
  • postOfficeGround
  • windmillGround
  • institution
  • otherLandUse
  • cemetaryGround
  • militaryServiceBranch
  • shoppingCenterGround