Wayfinder midmif format

An mcm map can be created from shape files or midmif files. If creating from shape, the shape files are first converted to midmif, and then the procedure is the same. The midmif must be the Wayfinder midmif format, so any map supplier midmif format must be converted to Wayfinder midmif before mcm map generation.

Here you can find the specification of the Wayfinder midmif format and we provide you a few examples for illustrating the format. You will also find info about variable files and areafiles for map generation from Wayfinder midmif, and some rules and tips for file naming etc.

Wayfinder midmif specification

See also the Wayfinder midmif specification

Creating mcm maps from midmif

The mcm maps are basically created using the createItemsFromMidMif function in the GMSMidMifHandler class.

To initialize the mcm maps, the municipals, of which each map constitutes, are added with the GenerateMapServer --initMapFromMidMid option. The municipals are given in midmif areafiles, one file for every mcm map to create. The municipal file names are specified in the AREALIST and stored in AREAPATH, specified in the variable files (file name without file suffix).

In the initial step also the mcm map gfxData is created from mif files holding the outline coordinates of each map. The gfxData forms the geographical extent of each map, which is needed if the decision about in which map the rest of the items should be added is based on geometry.

The mcm maps are then successively created by adding the remaining item types from midmif files with the GenerateMapServer --createItemsFromMidMif option. All items of one type can for this step preferably be included in the same file. The algorithm loops all mcm maps and add the items in the midmif file that fits the map. Restrictions between street segments and/or ferries are set using turntables. The items fit the mcm map based on one of these options:

  • Forced
    Combine the --createItemsFromMidMif option with the --addAllMidMifItems option. All items in the midmif file will be added to the mcm map. Useful when generating mcm maps from midmif, and the country (top region) only has ONE mcm map, so all midmif items should be added to one and the same mcm map.
  • Map ssi coordinate
    Combine the --createItemsFromMidMif option with the --useCoordToFindCorrectMap option. Used when adding extra items from midmif to mcm maps, e.g. in stitching in merge map generation. Not appropriate in the raw midmif map generation, since it requires street segments to be present in the map already.
  • Settlement order
    The mid id of a municipal or city part or built-up area is given, and the mid item is added to the mcm map that already has this settlement item added from midmif. It reads the midmif_ref file. Hence, the settlement type items must be added to the mcm map before the other items referring to the settlement items. Useful for raw midmif map generation. The location-group is set.
  • Geometry
    If the first coordinate of the item is inside the map gfx data, the item is added to the mcm map. Can be used for raw midmif map generation or when adding extra items from midmif to mcm maps. It is expensive, especially if the map gfx data is complex. This is the slowest method. There is also problems with items that has the first coordinate outside or exactly on the map gfx data border. Those items will not be added based on geometry.

When all items have been added to the maps, the map generation continues with creation of boundry segments, various steps of post processing of the mcm maps, addition of map corrections and POIs from the WASP database, creation of external connections, country overview maps, overview maps and regions and map index file.

Here’s a description of the createItemsFromMidMif() function:

  1. The type of item to create is extracted from the midmif file name.
  2. The mif header is read to find out what coordinate systems is used to express the coordinates in the mif file.
  3. The midmif files are looped and for every line in the mid file:
    1. An empty gfxData is created. The gfxData creates itself from the mif file, given the coordinate system in the mif header.
    2. The ID and name columns are read from the mid file and saved in a temporary name string.
    3. An empty GMSItem is created with the given item type. The item creates itself from the mid file and is then assigned the gfxData.
    4. Then a check is performed to verify that the item fits the map, using either a given settlementId from the mid file, or a map ssi coordinate at the end of the mid row, or based on a geographical test matching the item gfxData and map gfxData. If the item does not fit the map: skip to next mif feature…
    5. The item is added to the map.
    6. Names and road number are extracted from the name string and added to the item.
  4. If creating street segments or ferries connections are created. If a turntable exists restrictions are extracted and set. If given as parameters turn descriptions are generated.
  5. If creating street segments that had zip code as attribute in the mid file, zipCode item are created.

Variable file

Located in genfiles country directory structure: genfiles/countries/denmark/script

Parameters to define in variable files for generating a country from Wayfinder midmif.

  • MAPRELEASE="maprelease"
    The name of the country map release directory in the genfiles country structure. Example OSM_201005 or TA_2010_06
  • MAP_SUPPLIER="mapSupplierLongVersion_"
    The long version of the map supplier followed by the under-score sign. Needed in variable file to override makemaps default value “TeleAtlas_” for setting the mapOrigin in the mcm maps to generate. Example “OpenStreetMap_”
  • CO_CODE="alpha2_"
    The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, 2 letter code for the country followed by the under-score sign. Used as prefix in the mcm map name. Example for Denmark “dk_” for Sweden “se_” and for France “fr_”.
  • AREAPATH="areapath"
    The directory where to find the midmif areafiles, the municipal item midmif and municipal map mif files for this country. It is located in the genfiles/countries/denmark/OSM_201005/areafiles
  • MAPPATH="mappath"
    The directory where to find all other item midmif files. Typically OSM_201005/wf_midmif/DK
  • AREALIST="munfiles"
    A list with the names of all municipal item files that are to be used in this country. File names without suffix. Each municipal file will create one mcm map, the first will be map id 0x0, the second map id 0x1 etc. One municipal file per row in the variable file, quoted using ".

Optional parameters to define in variable files for generating a country from Wayfinder midmif format.

  • ONLYONEMAP="true"
    The country has only one mcm map = only one municipal areafile in the AREALIST. Use this parameter to force the addition of all midmif items to the one map, so addition will not use geometry or settlement ids to check if an item fits the mcm map.
    The street segments and ferry lines which are on the border of the mcm maps are already marked with borderNode in the Wayfinder midmif format mid file, so all needed virtual items were created. The map generation will not call the method which creates virtual items, the candidates for external connections.
  • buildings2D="fullFilePathWithoutSuffix"
    If you want to add buildings to the mcm maps from a separate file with individual building items (ibi) in Wayfinder mdimif format. The buildings could for instance be from Tele Atlas 2D city maps. Point to the full path of the ibi file, without the mid and mif file suffix, e.g. “fullpath/extraIBI/denmark/dk_individualBuildingItems”.
    This step is necessary only if you for some reason do not want to put the ibi files with the other item midmif files in the MAPPATH.
  • ADDRPOINTFILE="fullpath/addressPointsUTF8.txt"
    If you want to add names to street segments in the mcm maps from an address point file from your map supplier. Point to the fill path of the address point text file. See GenerateMapServer help text for option –addAddrPointNames for the format of the address point text file.
  • SECTIONEDZIPSDIR="fullpathToTheDirWithSectionizedZipFiles"
    If you want to add zip codes from a point file from your map supplier. See GenerateMapServer help text for option –addSectionedZipPOIs for the format of the zip point file.

Area files

The midmif area files are located in AREAPATH. They really are the municipal item mid, mif and mapmif files. The municipal item midmif file name without suffix is listed in AREALIST. Each file will create one mcm map.

Example of one area file:

  • dk_whole_municipalItems.mid
  • dk_whole_municipalItems.mif
  • dk_whole_municipalItemsmap.mif

Create area files from the one file with municipals in Wayfinder midmif format, using midmif_areaFilesNewRelease. See script documentation for example commands.

If it is a large country, the country need to be split in more than one map, else the mcm maps in the map generation will be too large to handle. The limit for “large” can be approx more than 500000 street segments or whatever limit you find out that your system has. However, it does not only depend on number of street segments but also how many other item types you have in your maps. If it is a rich map data the size of the mcm map will be larger for the same number of street segments.

Wayfinder item midmif files

File names

Some rules for file names

  • The item type must be part of the midmif name, to know what item type to create. eg WFferryItems.mid, WFwaterItems_all.mid, WFparkItems200912.mid
  • The midmif items will be added to the mcm maps from the files in alphabetical order. So file name of area items that are used as region groups (built-up areas, city parts) must be lower that the names of other item files (alphabetically), to make sure that group items are added to the mcm maps before any other items. E.g. using areaWFbuiltUpAreaItems.mid and WFstreetSegmentItems.mid will give correct result. This rule exists to make sure that other items can be added to a correct map based on eg built-up area settlement id = the midId of built-up areas. The city parts mid file can refer to the built-up area as settlement id, so the built-up areas must be added to the mcm maps before the city parts are added. Using the file names areaWFbuiltUpAreaItems.mid and areaWFcityPartItems.mid will work.
  • If the muncipal midmif file is called dk_whole_municipalItem.mid/mif the municipal map mif file must be called dk_whole_municipalItemmap.mif
  • The municipal midmif file name is used for deciding the name of the mcm map. The makemaps script removes everything from the last _ and adds CO_CODE from the variable file (if CO_CODE already is included in the municipal file name it is first removed). Example: a municipal file name fr_whole_municipalItems.midmif gives mcm map name fr_whole.
  • The turn table with vehicle restrictions and closed roads must have the same name as the street segment item midmif file but ending with turntable.txt. If the ssi file is called WFstreetSegmentItems.mid/mif the turn table file must be called WFstreetSegmentItemsturntable.txt.

File char encoding

Names etc from item midmif files need to be converted to UTF-8 before added to the mcm maps. The easy way is to ave the Wayfinder midmif item files encoded in UTF-8 before map generation.

In reality the midmif files can have any char encoding. Because the NationalProperties::getMapToMC2ChEnc() is used for building a CharEncoding object that does the convert job. If having char encoding other than UTF-8, update the NationalProperties::getMapToMC2ChEnc() to get the correct encoding for your specific combination of country and mapOrigin (supplier+release).

Mid ids

The ID in the Wayfinder mid file must be an uint32 (unsigned integer). It is used for linking the mid item to mcm map item, writing a midmif_ref file.

Mif files checklist

Some things to think about for the mif files

  • Coord sys tag must be valid. All other stuff from the mif file header is ignored.
    • Available coordinate systems: mc2, mc2_lonlat, wgs84_latlon_deg, wgs84_lonlat_deg, rt90, rt90_lonlat, utm, utm_lonlat
    • See more details in Wayfinder midmif specification and GMSGfxData::readMifHeader()
  • Supported mif features
    • Supported: Point, Line, Pline, Region
    • It does not support Pline Multiple. Split Pline Multiple features into several Pline with the midmif_fixPlineMultiple.pl script. (this is part of the midmif_autoParseToWF script).
    • Cosmetic mif features such as Pen, Brush, Center`, … are ignored (skipped). If there is a cosmetic mif feature on the last row of a mif files, this must be removed manually. Else the map generation will exit with error message.

Sample data

Here are a few examples to illustrate the Wayfinder midmif data format.

Examples of item mid files

##### > hu_municipalItem.mid<==

##### > areaWFbuiltUpAreaItems.mid<==

##### > areaWFcityPartItems.mid<==
3342,"I. kerület","I. kerület:officialName:hun 1. kerület:alternativeName:hun"
3343,"II. kerület","II. kerület:officialName:hun 2. kerület:alternativeName:hun"
3344,"III. kerület","III. kerület:officialName:hun 3. kerület:alternativeName:hun"
3345,"IV. kerület","IV. kerület:officialName:hun 4. kerület:alternativeName:hun"

##### > WFaircraftRoadItems.mid<==

##### > WFairportItems.mid<==
1,"Ferihegyi repülõtér","Ferihegyi repülõtér:officialName:hun"

##### > WFallparkItems.mid<==

##### > WFferryItems.mid<==

##### > WFindividualBuildingItems.mid<==

##### > WFrailwayItems.mid<==

##### > WFstreetSegmentItems.mid<==
1,"","M1:roadNumber:invalidLanguage E60:roadNumber:invalidLanguage",0,130,130,3,0,,,,,0,0,0,0,"Y",0,0,"N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","","",197,197,8,"","Y",-1
2,"","M1:roadNumber:invalidLanguage E60:roadNumber:invalidLanguage",0,130,130,0,3,,,,,0,0,0,0,"Y",0,0,"N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","","",197,197,8,"","Y",-1
3,"","M1:roadNumber:invalidLanguage E60:roadNumber:invalidLanguage",0,130,130,0,3,,,,,0,0,0,0,"Y",0,0,"N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","","",197,197,8,"","",-1
4,"","M1:roadNumber:invalidLanguage E60:roadNumber:invalidLanguage",0,130,130,3,0,,,,,0,0,0,0,"Y",0,0,"N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","","",197,197,8,"","",-1
2677,"Hungaria körut","Hungaria körut:officialName:hun",1,70,70,3,0,,,,,44,58,0,0,"Y",0,0,"N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","1146","1146",197,197,8,"","",-1
58729,"Emma Utca","Emma Utca:officialName:hun",4,50,50,0,0,,,,,0,0,0,0,"Y",0,0,"N","N","N","N","N","N","N","2030","2030",215,215,8,"","",0

##### > WFwaterItems_all.mid<==

##### > WFstreetSegmentItemsturntable.txt<==
27651   -1  -1  3937    -1      0       0
284461  -1  -1  45868   -1      0       0
382068  -1  -1  62889   -1      0       0
484349  -1  -1  79976   -1      0       0

Examples of street segment item mif file

Version 300
Charset "WindowsLatin2"
Delimiter ","
CoordSys wgs84_lonlat_deg
Columns 33
  id Decimal (11,0)
  Name Char (25)
  Allnames Char (254)
  Roadclass Decimal (11,0)
  Posspeed Decimal (11,0)
  Negspeed Decimal (11,0)
  PosEntryR Decimal (11,0)
  NegEntryR Decimal (11,0)
  Nbrlanes Decimal (11,0)
  Width Decimal (11,0)
  Height Decimal (11,0)
  Weight Decimal (11,0)
  Lstart Decimal (11,0)
  Lend Decimal (11,0)
  Rstart Decimal (11,0)
  Rend Decimal (11,0)
  Paved Char(2)
  Level0 Decimal (11,0)
  Level1 Decimal (11,0)
  Roundabt Char (2)
  Ramp Char (2)
  Divided Char (2)
  Multi Char (2)
  roadToll Char (2)
  contrAcc Char (2)
  roundaboutish Char(2)
  zipLeft Char(254)
  zipRight Char (254)
  adminAreaIdLeft Decimal (11,0)
  adminAreaIdRight Decimal (11,0)
  adminAreaOrder Decimal (11,0)
  borderNode0 Char (2)
  borderNode1 Char (2)
  roadDisplayClass Decimal (11,0)
Pline 5
17.123847 47.916151
17.120732 47.918038
17.111679 47.924296
17.111272 47.924545
17.110997 47.924705
Pline 6
17.123957 47.916303
17.122986 47.916887
17.120899 47.918155
17.111618 47.924464
17.111219 47.924713
17.111056 47.924801
Pline 2
17.124212 47.916149
17.123957 47.916303
Pline 2
17.124665 47.915656
17.123847 47.916151
Pline 3
17.127317 47.914269
17.125747 47.915218
17.124212 47.916149
Pline 2
17.127394 47.914004
17.124665 47.915656
Pline 10
17.142915 47.906592
17.141807 47.906957
17.139402 47.907863
17.137203 47.908763
17.135303 47.909621
17.133693 47.910396
17.132609 47.910956
17.130348 47.912264
17.128476 47.913349
17.127394 47.914004