Main table with administrative info and symbol coordinate.
The rest of the tables for POIs contain data that is more or less static. These defines types and constants in separate structures. The tables with countries, version (map release), name languages, name types (and possibly some more), must be kept in sync with the enums in the mc2-repo. Some of the tables are shared with the map correction database.
MapGenEnums::mapVersion? enum. The version string in the table must be the map release with the long version of the map supplier string, i.e. the
MAP_SUPPLIER` defined in the variable file, e.g. OpenStreetMap_201005StringTable::countryCode
enumThe POIProduct
table defines the available POI products in the WASP database. A product is a POI set that is delivered as one unit, and may be updated on a regular interval to have e.g. with quarterly releases. One release of a product is one POI source in WASP. The idea of the POIProduct table is to identify the previous source so that you could re-use info from previous source when processing the new source. Hence, the countries that are included in a product should be constant or increase in numbers. Else, if one country is skipped in one source and re-appear in the next, info about that country is lost. Info in this meaning = re-use of geocoded coordinates, static ids etc.
for poi info = the + 1000
The POICategoryTypes table defines the possible POI categories. It links POI types with POI categories with POI, for the POI types that can be mapped to one unique category. It also defines the dodonaStringKey that was used for the translation management of the category string on all different languages.
The database consists this main tables with data for the map correction records
enum. The version string in the table must be the map release with the long version of the map supplier string, i.e. the MAP_SUPPLIER
defined in the variable file, e.g. OpenStreetMap_201005StringTable::countryCode
Map correction records have once been named extradata records, so that is the reason for the abbreviation ED (extradata) used in WASP table names, script names, mc2-repo classes handling map corrections and some documentation.
This section lists the SHOW CREATE TABLE
statements for the WASP tables, so you can set up your WASP database.
It also includes documentation about the attributes in some tables, what the attributes mean and which tables they link to.
Two of the tables have the dodonaStringKey attribute. It links to the string key in the translation management system that was used for POI category and POI type strings. For the POI types, most string keys should be found in the mc2 StringTableUTF8::strings
via the `ItemTypes::getPOIStringCode()? function. For the POI categories however, far from all string keys can be found in the mc2 StringTableUTF8.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`source` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`added` datetime default NULL,
`lastModified` datetime default NULL,
`lat` int(11) default NULL,
`lon` int(11) default NULL,
`inUse` tinyint(1) default '1',
`deleted` tinyint(1) default '0',
`sourceReference` varchar(50) default NULL,
`comment` text,
`country` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`validFromVersion` int(11) default NULL,
`validToVersion` int(11) default NULL,
`rights` varchar(16) NOT NULL default 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF',
KEY `index_poimain_coord` (`lat`,`lon`),
KEY `index_poimain_srcref` (`sourceReference`),
KEY `source` (`source`),
KEY `index_poimain_country` (`country`),
KEY `index_poimain_source_coord` (`source`,`lat`,`lon`)
This is the main table, and each POI have one row in this relation.
CREATE TABLE `POICategories` (
`poiID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`catID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`poiID`,`catID`),
KEY `index_poicategories_poiid` (`poiID`)
Stores the POI search categories for each POI. A POI can have many categories.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`poiID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`lat` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`lon` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `index_poientry_poiid` (`poiID`)
Stores the entry point coordinates for each POI. A POI can have many entry points in the database.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`poiID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`keyID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`val` text NOT NULL,
`lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `index_poiinfo_poiid` (`poiID`),
KEY `index_poiinfo_keyid` (`keyID`)
Stores the static extra informations for each POI. A POI can have many infos. The information for one POI from this table is added to the POI in the m3 map, during map generation.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`poiID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`keyID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`val` text NOT NULL,
`lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `index_poiinfodynamic_poiid` (`poiID`),
KEY `index_poiinfodynamic_keyid` (`keyID`)
Stores the dynamic extra informations for each POI. A POI can have many infos. The information for one POI in this table is of dynamic type, and is updated regularly, e.g. daily, via feeds from the provider that supplied the POIs. The dynamic info is not added to the m3 maps in map generation, but must be added to the POIs real-time by the mc2 back-end server when info about a POI is requested.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`poiID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`type` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
KEY `index_poinames_poiid` (`poiID`),
KEY `index_poinames_name` (`name`(10))
Stores the names for the POIs. A POI can have many names.
`staticID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`poiID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`staticID`,`poiID`),
KEY `poiID` (`poiID`),
KEY `ID` (`staticID`)
Stores the static IDS for the POI. One POI can have only one static ID. One static ID can be re-used for many POIs from different sources.
`poiID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`typeID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`poiID`,`typeID`)
Stores the type for each POI. One POI can have only one POI type.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`version` varchar(50) default NULL,
Lists the defined map versions. Keep IDs in sync with IDs in the MapGenEnums::mapVersion enum. The version string in the table must be the map release with the long version of the map supplier string, i.e. the MAP_SUPPLIER defined in the variable file, e.g. OpenStreetMap_201005 or TeleAtlas_2010_06
CREATE TABLE `POIAttributeTypes` (
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`attributeName` varchar(50) default NULL,
Lists the available attributes that can be added to a POI in the database. Used in Wayfinder CPIF. The ID of attributes that are POI infos have the keyID + 1000.
CREATE TABLE `POICategoryTypes` (
`catID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`dodonaStringKey` varchar(100) default NULL,
`description` varchar(128) default NULL,
`poiTypeID` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
Lists the available POI search categories.
CREATE TABLE `POICategorySearchSynonyms` (
`catID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`langID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`searchSynonym` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `catID` (`catID`,`langID`,`searchSynonym`)
Lists the POI category search synonyms. These are added to the poi_category_tree.xml
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`country` varchar(128) default NULL,
`iso3166_1_alpha2` char(2) default NULL,
`detailLevel` tinyint(4) default '0',
Lists the available countries. The ID must be kept in sync with the IDs of the mc2 StringTable::countryCode.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`description` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`isDynamic` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
Lists the available POI infos.
CREATE TABLE `POINameLanguages` (
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`langName` varchar(128) default NULL,
`dodonaLangID` varchar(10) default '',
Lists the available languages that can be used for names, info strings, etc. The ID must be kept in sync with IDs in the LangTypes::language_t enum.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`typeName` varchar(128) default NULL,
Lists the available languages that can be used for names, info strings, etc. The ID must be kept in sync with IDs in the ItemTypes::name_t enum.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`productName` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`description` text,
`defaultMapRight` varchar(16) NOT NULL default 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF',
`migrationCandidate` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`geocodingCandidate` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`trustedSourceRef` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`supplierName` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`mapDataPOIs` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
Lists the POI products that are included in the POI database. Products group POI sources on supplier and geographical extent.
A product is a POI set that is delivered as one unit, and may be updated on a regular interval to have e.g. with quarterly releases. One release of a product is one POI source in WASP. The idea of the POIProduct table is to identify the previous source so that you could re-use info from previous source when processing the new source. Hence, the countries that are included in a product should be constant or increase in numbers. Else, if one country is skipped in one source and re-appear in the next, info about that country is lost. Info in this meaning = re-use of geocoded coordinates, static ids etc.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`source` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`productID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
Lists the POI sources that are included in the POI database. A source is a release of a POI set.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`typeName` varchar(128) default NULL,
`dodonaStringKey` varchar(100) default NULL,
Lists the available POI types, the IDs must be kept in sync with the IDs of the ItemTypes::pointOfInterest_t enum.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`edType` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`source` varchar(50) default NULL,
`sourceReference` varchar(50) default NULL,
`writer` varchar(50) default NULL,
`added` datetime default NULL,
`lastModified` datetime default NULL,
`lat` int(11) default NULL,
`lon` int(11) default NULL,
`active` tinyint(1) default NULL,
`TAreference` varchar(50) default NULL,
`country` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`edRecord` text,
`insertType` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`comment` text,
`validFromVersion` int(11) default NULL,
`validToVersion` int(11) default NULL,
`orgValue` varchar(50) default NULL,
`groupID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`mapID` int(11) default NULL,
The main table for map correction records.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`groupName` varchar(50) default NULL,
Listing the ED groups that are included in the database.
CREATE TABLE `EDInsertTypes` (
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`insertTypeName` varchar(50) default NULL,
Listing the available insert types for map corrections, i.e. where in the map generation process the map correction should be added to the mcm maps.
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`typeName` varchar(50) default NULL,
Listing the available types of map correction records. The types are extracted from the key word in the map correction record.
This section lists the content of more or less static tables, defining enums of countries, name languages, info key ids, categories, etc that must have these enum IDs to sync with the mc2-repo. Fill your database with these enums.
Map corrections with type 5 dynamicExtradata is added only in dynamic merge map generation. See the script getDefaultInsertType() function for which are the default insert types for certain kinds of map correction records.
| ID | insertTypeName |
| 1 | beforeInternalConnections |
| 2 | beforeGenerateStreets |
| 3 | beforeGenerateTurndescriptions |
| 4 | afterGenerateTurndescriptions |
| 5 | dynamicExtradata |
The version string in the EDVersion table must be the map release with the long version of the map supplier string, i.e. the MAP_SUPPLIER defined in the variable file, e.g. “OpenStreetMap_201005” or “TeleAtlas_2010_06”. The 201005 for OpenStreetMap means that the data is from May 2010, the 2010_06 for Tele Atlas mean that is it their map release 2010.06
| ID | version |
| 191 | OpenStreetMap_201005 |
| 192 | TeleAtlas_2010_06 |
| ID | typeName |
| 1 | setRamp |
| 2 | setRoundabout |
| 3 | setMultiDigitised |
| 4 | setEntryRestrictions |
| 5 | setSpeedLimit |
| 6 | setLevel |
| 7 | setHousenumber |
| 8 | setTurnDirection |
| 9 | setVehicleRestrictions |
| 10 | addSignpost |
| 11 | removeSignpost |
| 12 | removeNameFromItem |
| 13 | removeItem |
| 14 | UpdateName |
| 15 | AddNameToItem |
| 16 | addlandmark |
| 17 | addsinglelandmark |
| 20 | setRoundaboutish |
| 21 | setControlledAccess |
| 22 | setWaterType |
| 23 | setTollRoad |
| ID | attributeName |
| 0 | invalidAttribute |
| 1 | active |
| 2 | comment |
| 3 | country |
| 4 | symbolCoordinate |
| 5 | validFromVersion |
| 6 | validToVersion |
| 7 | poiType |
| 8 | entryPointCoordinate |
| 9 | name |
| 10 | source |
| 11 | sourceReference |
| 12 | poiID |
| 13 | deleted |
| 14 | inUse |
| 15 | poiCategory |
| 16 | poiExternalIdentifier |
| 1000 | POIInfoKey: Vis. address |
| 1001 | POIInfoKey: Vis. house nbr |
| 1002 | POIInfoKey: Vis. zip code |
| 1003 | POIInfoKey: Vis. complete zip |
| 1004 | POIInfoKey: Phone |
| 1005 | POIInfoKey: Vis. zip area |
| 1006 | POIInfoKey: Vis. full address |
| 1007 | POIInfoKey: Fax |
| 1008 | POIInfoKey: Email |
| 1009 | POIInfoKey: URL |
| 1010 | POIInfoKey: Brandname |
| 1011 | POIInfoKey: Short description |
| 1012 | POIInfoKey: Long description |
| 1013 | POIInfoKey: Citypart |
| 1014 | POIInfoKey: State |
| 1015 | POIInfoKey: Neighborhood |
| 1016 | POIInfoKey: Open hours |
| 1017 | POIInfoKey: Nearest train |
| 1018 | POIInfoKey: Start date |
| 1019 | POIInfoKey: End date |
| 1020 | POIInfoKey: Start time |
| 1021 | POIInfoKey: End time |
| 1022 | POIInfoKey: Accommodation type |
| 1023 | POIInfoKey: Check in |
| 1024 | POIInfoKey: Check out |
| 1025 | POIInfoKey: Nbr of rooms |
| 1026 | POIInfoKey: Single room from |
| 1027 | POIInfoKey: Double room from |
| 1028 | POIInfoKey: Triple room from |
| 1029 | POIInfoKey: Suite from |
| 1030 | POIInfoKey: Extra bed from |
| 1031 | POIInfoKey: Weekend rate |
| 1032 | POIInfoKey: Nonhotel cost |
| 1033 | POIInfoKey: Breakfast |
| 1034 | POIInfoKey: Hotel services |
| 1035 | POIInfoKey: Credit card |
| 1036 | POIInfoKey: Special feature |
| 1037 | POIInfoKey: Conferences |
| 1038 | POIInfoKey: Average cost |
| 1039 | POIInfoKey: Booking advisable |
| 1040 | POIInfoKey: Admission charge |
| 1041 | POIInfoKey: Home delivery |
| 1042 | POIInfoKey: Disabled access |
| 1043 | POIInfoKey: Takeaway available |
| 1044 | POIInfoKey: Allowed to bring alcohol |
| 1045 | POIInfoKey: Type food |
| 1046 | POIInfoKey: Decor |
| 1047 | POIInfoKey: Display class |
| 1048 | POIInfoKey: Image |
| 1049 | POIInfoKey: Supplier |
| 1050 | POIInfoKey: Owner |
| 1051 | POIInfoKey: Price petrol superplus |
| 1052 | POIInfoKey: Price petrol super |
| 1053 | POIInfoKey: Price petrol normal |
| 1054 | POIInfoKey: Price diesel |
| 1055 | POIInfoKey: Price bio diesel |
| 1056 | POIInfoKey: Free of charge |
| 1060 | POIInfoKey: Open season |
| 1061 | POIInfoKey: Ski mountain max height |
| 1062 | POIInfoKey: Ski mountain min height |
| 1063 | POIInfoKey: Snow depth mountain |
| 1064 | POIInfoKey: Snow depth valley |
| 1065 | POIInfoKey: Snow quality |
| 1066 | POIInfoKey: Lifts total |
| 1067 | POIInfoKey: Lifts open |
| 1068 | POIInfoKey: Slopes total km |
| 1069 | POIInfoKey: Slopes open km |
| 1070 | POIInfoKey: Valley run |
| 1071 | POIInfoKey: Valley run info |
| 1072 | POIInfoKey: Cross country skiing |
| 1073 | POIInfoKey: Cross country skiing total km |
| 1074 | POIInfoKey: Funpark |
| 1075 | POIInfoKey: Funpark info |
| 1076 | POIInfoKey: Night skiing |
| 1077 | POIInfoKey: Night skiing info |
| 1078 | POIInfoKey: Glacier area |
| 1079 | POIInfoKey: Last snowfall |
| 1080 | POIInfoKey: Halfpipe |
| 1081 | POIInfoKey: Halfpipe info |
| 1082 | POIInfoKey: Mountain height (min/max m) |
| 1083 | POIInfoKey: Snow depth (valley/mountain cm) |
| 1084 | POIInfoKey: Lifts (open/total) |
| 1085 | POIInfoKey: Slopes (open/total km) |
| 1086 | POIInfoKey: Phone Parking TeleP |
| 1087 | POIInfoKey: Importance attribute |
| 1088 | POIInfoKey: Major road feature |
| 1089 | POIInfoKey: Self Service |
| 1090 | POIInfoKey: Has fuel Super95 |
| 1091 | POIInfoKey: Has fuel Super98 |
| 1092 | POIInfoKey: Has fuel Normal91 |
| 1093 | POIInfoKey: Has fuel PKWDiesel |
| 1094 | POIInfoKey: Has fuel BioDiesel |
| 1095 | POIInfoKey: Has fuel NatGas |
| 1096 | POIInfoKey: Has carwash |
| 1097 | POIInfoKey: Has 24h self service zone |
| 1098 | POIInfoKey: Drive In |
| 1099 | POIInfoKey: Unique icon |
| 1100 | POIInfoKey: Sub type icon |
| 1101 | POIInfoKey: Mailbox collection times |
| 1103 | POIInfoKey: Booking URL |
| 1104 | POIInfoKey: Booking phone number |
| 1105 | POIInfoKey: Star rate |
| 1106 | POIInfoKey: Brand icon base name |
| 1107 | POIInfoKey: Smoking allowed |
| 1108 | POIInfoKey: Accessible by car |
| 1109 | POIInfoKey: Info on parking by POI |
| 1110 | POIInfoKey: Virtual visit URL |
| 1111 | POIInfoKey: Free phone number |
| 1112 | POIInfoKey: Rating source |
| 1113 | POIInfoKey: Geocoding Accuracy Level |
| catID | dodonaStringKey | description | poiTypeID |
| 1 | CAT_ON_THE_MOVE | On the move | NULL |
| 2 | CAT_BY_CAR | By car | NULL |
| 3 | CAT_FOOD_AND_DRINK | Food and drink | NULL |
| 4 | SEARCHCAT_LODGING | Hotels & Lodging (old: Accommodation) | NULL |
| 5 | SEARCHCAT_TRAVEL | Travel & Transport (old: Public transportation) | NULL |
| 6 | SEARCHCAT_NIGHTLIFE | Nightlife (old: Entertainment and nightlife) | 29 |
| 7 | SEARCHCAT_SPORT | Sport & Action (old: Sports activity and leisure) | NULL |
| 8 | CAT_TOURISM_AND_CULTURE | Tourism and culture | NULL |
| 9 | SEARCHCAT_SHOP | Shopping | 56 |
| 10 | CAT_COMMUNITY_SERVICES | Community services | NULL |
| 11 | SEARCHCAT_OTHER | Other | NULL |
| 12 | CAT_WLAN_HOTSPOTS | WLAN Hotspots | 93 |
| 14 | CAT_TAXI_STAND | Taxi stand | 104 |
| 15 | CAT_RENTACAR | Rent-a-car-facility | 38 |
| 18 | CAT_AIRPORT | Airport | 1 |
| 19 | CAT_TOURIST_INFO | Tourist info | 48 |
| 20 | TOURIST_ATTRACTION | Tourist attraction | 47 |
| 21 | SCENIC_VIEW | Scenic view | 85 |
| 22 | CAT_MUSEUM | Museum | 28 |
| 23 | MOUNTAIN_PEAK | Mountain peak | 77 |
| 24 | MOUNTAIN_PASS | Mountain pass | 76 |
| 25 | HISTORICAL_MONUMENT | Historical monument | 21 |
| 26 | CAT_GUIDED_TOURS | Guided tours | NULL |
| 27 | CAT_FOREST_AREA | Forest area | NULL |
| 28 | CULTURAL_CENTRE | Cultural centre | 69 |
| 29 | BEACH | Beach | 64 |
| 30 | CAT_ART_GALLERIES | Art galleries | NULL |
| 31 | ZOO | Zoo | 92 |
| 32 | YACHT_BASIN | Yacht basin | 91 |
| 33 | WATER_SPORTS | Water sports | 90 |
| 34 | TENNIS_COURT | Tennis court | 88 |
| 35 | SWIMMING_POOL | Swimming pool | 87 |
| 36 | STADIUM | Stadium | 86 |
| 37 | SPORTS_CENTRE | Sports centre | 45 |
| 38 | CAT_SPORTS_BEACH | Sports beach | NULL |
| 39 | SPORTS_ACTIVITY | Sports activity | 44 |
| 40 | CAT_SKI_RESORT | Ski resort | 43 |
| 41 | RECREATION_FACILITY | Recreation facility | 37 |
| 42 | PUBLIC_SPORT_AIRPORT | Public sport airport | 35 |
| 43 | PARK_AND_RECREATION_AREA | Park and recreation area | 80 |
| 44 | MARINA | Marina | 26 |
| 45 | ICE_SKATING_RINK | Ice skating rink | 24 |
| 46 | CAT_HIPPODROME | Hippodrome | NULL |
| 47 | CAT_HIKING_AND_CLIMBING | Hiking and climbing | NULL |
| 48 | CAT_GOLF | Golf | 19 |
| 49 | CAT_FISHING | Fishing | NULL |
| 50 | CAT_EXTREME_OR_ADVENTURE | Extreme or adventure | NULL |
| 51 | CAT_EQUESTRIAN | Equestrian | NULL |
| 52 | CAT_CYCLING_TRACKS | Cycling tracks | NULL |
| 53 | CAT_BOWLING | Bowling | 6 |
| 54 | AMUSEMENT_PARK | Amusement park | 2 |
| 55 | CAT_TRAVEL_AGENTS | Travel agents | NULL |
| 56 | CAT_TOYS_AND_GAMES | Toys and games | NULL |
| 57 | CAT_SUPER_MARKETS_AND_HYPERMARKETS | Super markets and hyper markets | NULL |
| 58 | CAT_SPORTS_EQUIPMENT_AND_CLOTHING | Sports equipment and clothing | NULL |
| 59 | SHOPPING_CENTRE | Shopping centre | 42 |
| 61 | CAT_OPTICIANS | Opticians | NULL |
| 62 | CAT_NEWSAGENTS_AND_TOBACCONISTS | Newsagents and tobacconists | NULL |
| 63 | CAT_MUSIC_AND_VIDEO | Music and video | NULL |
| 64 | CAT_JEWELRY_CLOCKS_AND_WATCHES | Jewelry clocks and watches | NULL |
| 65 | CAT_HOUSE_AND_GARDEN | House and garden | NULL |
| 66 | CAT_HAIRDRESSERS_AND_BARBERS | Hairdressers and barbers | NULL |
| 67 | GROCERY_STORE | Grocery store | 20 |
| 68 | CAT_GIFTS_AND_SOUVENIRS | Gifts and souvenirs | NULL |
| 69 | CAT_FOOD_AND_DRINK_SHOP | Food and drink shop | NULL |
| 70 | CAT_FLORISTS | Florists | NULL |
| 71 | CAT_ESTATE_AGENTS | Estate agents | NULL |
| 72 | CAT_ELECTRICAL_OFFICE_AND_IT | Electrical office and IT | NULL |
| 73 | CAT_DRYCLEANERS | Drycleaners | NULL |
| 74 | CAT_CONVENIENCE_STORES | Convenience stores | NULL |
| 75 | CAT_CLOTHING_AND_ACCESSORIES | Clothing and accessories | NULL |
| 76 | CAR_DEALER | Car dealer | 66 |
| 77 | BOOKSHOPS | Bookshops | NULL |
| 78 | CAT_BEAUTY_SALONS | Beauty salons | NULL |
| 79 | CAT_ART | Art | NULL |
| 80 | CAT_ANTIQUES | Antiques | NULL |
| 81 | CAT_MILITARY_INSTALLATION | Military installation | NULL |
| 82 | CAT_BUSINESS | Business | NULL |
| 83 | CAT_BUILDINGS | Buildings | NULL |
| 84 | CAT_WINE_AND_BREWERY | Wine and brewery | 51 |
| 85 | RESTAURANTS | Restaurants | 40 |
| 86 | CAFE | Cafe | 100 |
| 87 | CAT_TICKET_AGENCY | Ticket agency | NULL |
| 88 | CAT_THEATERS | Theaters | 46 |
| 89 | OPERA | Opera | 79 |
| 90 | CAT_NIGHT_CLUB | Night club | NULL |
| 91 | CAT_MUSIC | Music | 78 |
| 93 | CAT_GAY_AND_LESBIAN | Gay and lesbian | NULL |
| 94 | CAT_DISCOS | Discos | NULL |
| 95 | CAT_DANCE | Dance | NULL |
| 96 | CONCERT_HALL | Concert hall | 67 |
| 97 | CAT_COMEDY_AND_CABARET | Comedy and cabaret | NULL |
| 98 | CAT_CINEMAS | Cinemas | 10 |
| 99 | CAT_CASINOS | Casinos | 9 |
| 100 | CAT_BARS | Bars | NULL |
| 101 | CAT_REST_AREAS | Rest areas | 39 |
| 103 | SEARCHCAT_PETROL | Petrol Stations (old: Gas station) | 33 |
| 104 | CAT_CAR_REPAIR_FACILITY | Car repair facility | 50 |
| 105 | SEARCHCAT_RELIGION | Religion (old: Religious) | NULL |
| 106 | CAT_PUBLIC_INSTITUTIONS | Public institutions | NULL |
| 107 | POST_OFFICE | Post office | 52 |
| 108 | POLICE_STATION | Police station | 34 |
| 109 | CAT_ORGANIZATION | Organization | NULL |
| 110 | LIBRARY | Library | 25 |
| 111 | SEARCHCAT_HEALTH | Health & Medical (old: Health) | NULL |
| 112 | GOVERNMENT_OFFICE | Government office | 75 |
| 113 | EMBASSY | Embassy | 73 |
| 115 | COURT_HOUSE | Court house | 15 |
| 116 | COMMUNITY_CENTRE | Community centre | 13 |
| 117 | CAT_YOUTH_HOSTEL | Youth hostel | NULL |
| 118 | CAT_HOTELS | Hotels | 23 |
| 119 | CAT_GUEST_HOUSE_AND_BED_AND_BREAKFAST | Guest house and bed and breakfast | NULL |
| 120 | CAT_CAMPING | Camping | 65 |
| 121 | CAT_SUBWAY | Subway | 99 |
| 122 | CAT_RAILWAY | Railway station | 36 |
| 123 | COMMUTER_RAIL_STATION | Commuter rail station | 14 |
| 124 | CAT_TRAM_STOP | Tram stop | 53 |
| 125 | BUS_STOP_POI_TYPE | Bus stop | 103 |
| 126 | BUS_STATION | Bus station | 7 |
| 127 | CAT_FERRY_TERMINAL_TRAIN | Ferry terminal train | NULL |
| 128 | CAT_FERRY_TERMINAL_SHIP | Ferry terminal ship | 17 |
| 129 | CAT_NATURAL_ATTRACTION | Natural attraction | NULL |
| 130 | CAT_MONUMENT | Monument | NULL |
| 131 | CAT_BUILDING | Building | NULL |
| 132 | CAT_SCULPTURE | Sculpture | NULL |
| 133 | CAT_SCIENCE_AND_TECHNOLOGY | Science and technology | NULL |
| 134 | CAT_PHOTOGRAPHIC | Photographic | NULL |
| 136 | CAT_LOCAL_HISTORY_AND_CULTURE | Local history and culture | NULL |
| 137 | CAT_GENERAL_HISTORY | General history | NULL |
| 138 | CAT_FINE_ART | Fine art | NULL |
| 139 | CAT_CONTEMPORARY_ART | Contemporary art | NULL |
| 140 | CAT_ARCHITECTURE_AND_DESIGN | Architecture and design | NULL |
| 141 | CAT_ANTHROPOLOGY | Anthropology | NULL |
| 142 | CAT_NAVY | Navy | NULL |
| 143 | CAT_MARINE_CORPS | Marine corps | NULL |
| 144 | CAT_COAST_GUARD | Coast guard | NULL |
| 145 | CAT_ARMY | Army | NULL |
| 146 | CAT_AIR_FORCE | Air force | NULL |
| 147 | INDUSTRIAL_COMPLEX | Industrial complex | 58 |
| 148 | CAT_CONVENTION_AND_EXHIBITION_CENTRE | Convention and exhibition centre | 16 |
| 149 | COMPANY | Company | 0 |
| 150 | BUSINESS_FACILITY | Business facility | 8 |
| 151 | BANK | Bank | 5 |
| 152 | ATM | Atm | 3 |
| 153 | CAT_PUBLIC_BUILDING | Public building | 59 |
| 154 | CAT_OTHER_BUILDING | Other building | 60 |
| 155 | CAT_VIETNAMESE_KITCHEN | Vietnamese kitchen | NULL |
| 156 | CAT_VEGETARIAN_KITCHEN | Vegetarian kitchen | NULL |
| 157 | CAT_UNKNOWN_KITCHEN | Unknown kitchen | NULL |
| 158 | CAT_TURKISH_KITCHEN | Turkish kitchen | NULL |
| 159 | CAT_THAI_KITCHEN | Thai kitchen | NULL |
| 160 | CAT_TAVERNAS | Tavernas | NULL |
| 161 | CAT_TAPAS | Tapas | NULL |
| 162 | CAT_SWISS_KITCHEN | Swiss kitchen | NULL |
| 163 | CAT_SURINAMESE_KITCHEN | Surinamese kitchen | NULL |
| 164 | CAT_STEAK_HOUSE | Steak house | NULL |
| 165 | CAT_SPANISH_KITCHEN | Spanish kitchen | NULL |
| 166 | CAT_SOUTH_AMERICAN_KITCHEN | South american kitchen | NULL |
| 167 | CAT_SOUP_BARS | Soup bars | NULL |
| 168 | CAT_SEA_FOOD | Sea food | NULL |
| 169 | CAT_SCANDINAVIAN_KITCHEN | Scandinavian kitchen | NULL |
| 170 | CAT_SANDWICH | Sandwich | NULL |
| 171 | CAT_RUSSIAN_KITCHEN | Russian kitchen | NULL |
| 173 | CAT_PORTUGUESE_KITCHEN | Portuguese kitchen | NULL |
| 174 | CAT_POLISH_KITCHEN | Polish kitchen | NULL |
| 175 | CAT_PIZZERIA | Pizzeria | NULL |
| 176 | CAT_PACIFIC_RIM_KITCHEN | Pacific rim kitchen | NULL |
| 178 | CAT_ORIENTAL_KITCHEN | Oriental kitchen | NULL |
| 179 | CAT_MIDDLE_EASTERN_KITCHEN | Middle eastern kitchen | NULL |
| 180 | CAT_MEXICAN_KITCHEN | Mexican kitchen | NULL |
| 181 | CAT_MEDITERRANEAN_KITCHEN | Mediterranean kitchen | NULL |
| 182 | CAT_MALTESE_KITCHEN | Maltese kitchen | NULL |
| 183 | CAT_MALAYSIAN_KITCHEN | Malaysian kitchen | NULL |
| 184 | CAT_LOCAL_KITCHEN | Local kitchen | NULL |
| 185 | CAT_LATIN_AMERICAN_KITCHEN | Latin american kitchen | NULL |
| 186 | CAT_KOSHER_KITCHEN | Kosher kitchen | NULL |
| 187 | CAT_KOREAN_KITCHEN | Korean kitchen | NULL |
| 188 | CAT_JEWISH_KITCHEN | Jewish kitchen | NULL |
| 189 | CAT_JAPANESE_KITCHEN | Japanese kitchen | NULL |
| 190 | CAT_ITALIAN_KITCHEN | Italian kitchen | NULL |
| 191 | CAT_INDONESIAN_KITCHEN | Indonesian kitchen | NULL |
| 192 | CAT_INDIAN_KITCHEN | Indian kitchen | NULL |
| 193 | CAT_HUNGARIAN_KITCHEN | Hungarian kitchen | NULL |
| 194 | CAT_HAWAIIAN_KITCHEN | Hawaiian kitchen | NULL |
| 195 | CAT_GRILL | Grill | NULL |
| 196 | CAT_GREEK_KITCHEN | Greek kitchen | NULL |
| 197 | CAT_GERMAN_KITCHEN | German kitchen | NULL |
| 198 | CAT_FRENCH_KITCHEN | French kitchen | NULL |
| 200 | CAT_FISH_AND_SEAFOOD | Fish and seafood | NULL |
| 201 | CAT_FILIPINO_KITCHEN | Filipino kitchen | NULL |
| 202 | CAT_FAST_FOOD | Fast food | NULL |
| 203 | CAT_EAST_EUROPEAN_KITCHEN | East european kitchen | NULL |
| 204 | CAT_DUTCH_KITCHEN | Dutch kitchen | NULL |
| 205 | CAT_DELIS_AND_DINERS | Delis and diners | NULL |
| 206 | CAT_CREPERIE | Creperie | NULL |
| 207 | CAT_CONTEMPORARY_KITCHEN | Contemporary kitchen | NULL |
| 208 | CAT_CHINESE_KITCHEN | Chinese kitchen | NULL |
| 209 | CAT_CENTRAL_EUROPEAN_KITCHEN | Central european kitchen | NULL |
| 210 | CAT_CARIBBEAN_KITCHEN | Caribbean kitchen | NULL |
| 211 | CAT_CANADIAN_KITCHEN | Canadian kitchen | NULL |
| 212 | CAT_CALIFORNIAN_KITCHEN | Californian kitchen | NULL |
| 213 | CAT_BUFFET | Buffet | NULL |
| 214 | CAT_BRITISH_KITCHEN | British kitchen | NULL |
| 215 | CAT_BREAKFAST_AND_BRUNCH | Breakfast and brunch | NULL |
| 216 | CAT_BISTRO | Bistro | NULL |
| 217 | CAT_BELGIAN_KITCHEN | Belgian kitchen | NULL |
| 218 | CAT_BARBECUE | Barbecue | NULL |
| 219 | CAT_AUSTRIAN_KITCHEN | Austrian kitchen | NULL |
| 220 | CAT_AUSTRALIAN_KITCHEN | Australian kitchen | NULL |
| 221 | CAT_ASIAN_KITCHEN | Asian kitchen | NULL |
| 222 | CAT_AMERICAN_KITCHEN | American kitchen | NULL |
| 223 | CAT_AFRICAN_KITCHEN | African kitchen | NULL |
| 224 | CAT_AFGHAN_KITCHEN | Afghan kitchen | NULL |
| 225 | CAT_TEA | Tea | NULL |
| 226 | CAT_JUICE_BARS | Juice bars | NULL |
| 227 | CAT_ICE_CREAM | Ice cream | NULL |
| 228 | CAT_COFFEE | Coffee | NULL |
| 229 | CAT_WINE_BARS | Wine bars | NULL |
| 230 | CAT_THEME_BARS | Theme bars | NULL |
| 231 | CAT_SPORTS_BARS | Sports bars | NULL |
| 232 | CAT_PUBS | Pubs | NULL |
| 233 | CAT_COCKTAIL_BARS | Cocktail bars | NULL |
| 234 | CAT_BIERKELLER | Bierkeller | NULL |
| 235 | CAT_BEER_GARDENS | Beer gardens | NULL |
| 236 | CAT_PARKING_GARAGE | Parking garage | 32 |
| 237 | OPEN_PARKING_AREA | Open parking area | 30 |
| 239 | SYNAGOGUE | Synagogue | 98 |
| 240 | PLACE_OF_WORSHIP | Place of worship | 82 |
| 241 | MOSQUE | Mosque | 97 |
| 242 | CHURCH | Church | 96 |
| 243 | CEMETERY | Cemetery | 57 |
| 244 | VETRINARIAN | Vetrinarian | 89 |
| 245 | PHARMACY | Pharmacy | 81 |
| 246 | HOSPITAL | Hospital | 22 |
| 247 | CAT_HEALTH_CENTRE | Health centre | NULL |
| 248 | DOCTOR | Doctor | 71 |
| 249 | DENTIST | Dentist | 70 |
| 254 | UNIVERSITY | University | 49 |
| 255 | SCHOOL | School | 41 |
| 256 | HINDU_TEMPLE | Hindu temple | 101 |
| 257 | BUDDHIST_SITE | Buddhist site | 102 |
| 258 | RESTAURANT_AREA | Restaurant area | 84 |
| 259 | PARK_AND_RIDE | Park and ride | 31 |
| 260 | CAT_MARKETS | Markets | NULL |
| 261 | CAT_BUSINESS_SERVICES | Business services | NULL |
| 262 | CAT_SPAS_AND_MINERAL_BATHS | Spas and mineral baths | NULL |
| 263 | CAT_POST_BUSINESS_CENTRE | Post business centre | NULL |
| 264 | CAT_MAIL_BOX | Mailbox | NULL |
| 265 | CAT_STAMP_SELLER | Stamp seller | NULL |
| 266 | CAT_CITY_CENTER | City centre | 11 |
| 267 | SEARCHCAT_PARKING | Parking | NULL |
| 268 | SEARCHCAT_ARTS | Arts & Design | NULL |
| 269 | SEARCHCAT_BEAUTY | Beauty & Wellness | NULL |
| 270 | SEARCHCAT_CAR_BIKE | Cars & Bikes | NULL |
| 271 | SEARCHCAT_ENTERTAIN | Entertainment | NULL |
| 272 | SEARCHCAT_BANK_ATM | Banks & ATM's | NULL |
| 273 | SEARCHCAT_FASHION | Fashion & Lifestyle | NULL |
| 274 | SEARCHCAT_FOOD_DRINK | Food & Drink | NULL |
| 275 | SEARCHCAT_HEALTH | Health & Medical | NULL |
| 276 | SEARCHCAT_LODGING | Hotels & Lodging | NULL |
| 277 | SEARCHCAT_NATURE | Nature | NULL |
| 278 | SEARCHCAT_NIGHTLIFE | Nightlife | 29 |
| 280 | SEARCHCAT_PETROL | Petrol Stations | 33 |
| 281 | SEARCHCAT_PUBLIC | Public Services | NULL |
| 282 | SEARCHCAT_TRAVEL | Travel & Transport | NULL |
| 283 | SEARCHCAT_RELIGION | Religion | NULL |
| 284 | SEARCHCAT_SHOP | Shopping | 56 |
| 285 | SEARCHCAT_SPORT | Sport & Action | NULL |
| 286 | SEARCHCAT_TOURISM | Tourism & Sights | NULL |
| 287 | SEARCHCAT_ROAD | Road Service | NULL |
| 288 | SEARCHCAT_OTHER | Other | NULL |
| 289 | CAT_AIRPORT_TERMINAL | Airport terminal | 63 |
| 290 | CAT_ATTRACTIONS | Attractions | NULL |
Set detailLevel to 1 for the countries where you have detailed maps.
| ID | country | iso3166_1_alpha2 | detailLevel |
| 0 | England | GB | 0 |
| 1 | Sweden | SE | 0 |
| 2 | Germany | DE | 0 |
| 3 | Denmark | DK | 0 |
| 4 | Finland | FI | 0 |
| 5 | Norway | NO | 0 |
| 6 | Belgium | BE | 0 |
| 7 | Netherlands | NL | 0 |
| 8 | Luxembourg | LU | 0 |
| 9 | USA | US | 0 |
| 10 | Switzerland | CH | 0 |
| 11 | Austria | AT | 0 |
| 12 | France | FR | 0 |
| 13 | Spain | ES | 0 |
| 14 | Andorra | AD | 0 |
| 15 | Liechtenstein | LI | 0 |
| 16 | Italy | IT | 0 |
| 17 | Monaco | MC | 0 |
| 18 | Ireland | IE | 0 |
| 19 | Portugal | PT | 0 |
| 20 | Canada | CA | 0 |
| 21 | Hungary | HU | 0 |
| 22 | Czech Republic | CZ | 0 |
| 23 | Poland | PL | 0 |
| 24 | Greece | GR | 0 |
| 25 | Israel | IL | 0 |
| 26 | Brazil | BR | 0 |
| 27 | Slovakia | SK | 0 |
| 28 | Russia | RU | 0 |
| 29 | Turkey | TR | 0 |
| 30 | Slovenia | SI | 0 |
| 31 | Bulgaria | BG | 0 |
| 32 | Romania | RO | 0 |
| 33 | Ukraine | UA | 0 |
| 34 | Serbia and Montenegro | CS | 0 |
| 35 | Croatia | HR | 0 |
| 36 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | 0 |
| 37 | Moldova | MD | 0 |
| 38 | Macedonia | MK | 0 |
| 39 | Estonia | EE | 0 |
| 40 | Latvia | LV | 0 |
| 41 | Lithuania | LT | 0 |
| 42 | Belarus | BY | 0 |
| 43 | Malta | MT | 0 |
| 44 | Cyprus | CY | 0 |
| 45 | Iceland | IS | 0 |
| 46 | Hong Kong | HK | 0 |
| 47 | Singapore | SG | 0 |
| 48 | Australia | AU | 0 |
| 49 | United Arab Emirates | AE | 0 |
| 50 | Bahrain | BH | 0 |
| 51 | Afghanistan | AF | 0 |
| 52 | Albania | AL | 0 |
| 53 | Algeria | DZ | 0 |
| 54 | American Samoa | AS | 0 |
| 55 | Angola | AO | 0 |
| 56 | Anguilla | AI | 0 |
| 57 | Antarctica | AQ | 0 |
| 58 | Antigua and Barbuda | AG | 0 |
| 59 | Argentina | AR | 0 |
| 60 | Armenia | AM | 0 |
| 61 | Aruba | AW | 0 |
| 62 | Azerbaijan | AZ | 0 |
| 63 | Bahamas | BS | 0 |
| 64 | Bangladesh | BD | 0 |
| 65 | Barbados | BB | 0 |
| 66 | Belize | BZ | 0 |
| 67 | Benin | BJ | 0 |
| 68 | Bermuda | BM | 0 |
| 69 | Bhutan | BT | 0 |
| 70 | Bolivia | BO | 0 |
| 71 | Botswana | BW | 0 |
| 72 | British Virgin Islands | VG | 0 |
| 73 | Brunei Darussalam | BN | 0 |
| 74 | Burkina Faso | BF | 0 |
| 75 | Burundi | BI | 0 |
| 76 | Cambodia | KH | 0 |
| 77 | Cameroon | CM | 0 |
| 78 | Cape Verde | CV | 0 |
| 79 | Cayman Islands | KY | 0 |
| 80 | Central African Republic | CF | 0 |
| 81 | Chad | TD | 0 |
| 82 | Chile | CL | 0 |
| 83 | China | CN | 0 |
| 84 | Colombia | CO | 0 |
| 85 | Comoros | KM | 0 |
| 86 | Congo | CG | 0 |
| 87 | Cook Islands | CK | 0 |
| 88 | Costa Rica | CR | 0 |
| 89 | Cuba | CU | 0 |
| 90 | Djibouti | DJ | 0 |
| 91 | Dominica | DM | 0 |
| 92 | Dominican Republic | DO | 0 |
| 93 | D.R. Congo | CD | 0 |
| 94 | Ecuador | EC | 0 |
| 95 | Egypt | EG | 0 |
| 96 | El Salvador | SV | 0 |
| 97 | Equatorial Guinea | GQ | 0 |
| 98 | Eritrea | ER | 0 |
| 99 | Ethiopia | ET | 0 |
| 100 | Faeroe Islands | FO | 0 |
| 101 | Falkland Islands | FK | 0 |
| 102 | Fiji | FJ | 0 |
| 103 | French Guiana | GF | 0 |
| 104 | French Polynesia | PF | 0 |
| 105 | Gabon | GA | 0 |
| 106 | Gambia | GM | 0 |
| 107 | Georgia | GE | 0 |
| 108 | Ghana | GH | 0 |
| 109 | Greenland | GL | 0 |
| 110 | Grenada | GD | 0 |
| 111 | Guadeloupe | GP | 0 |
| 112 | Guam | GU | 0 |
| 113 | Guatemala | GT | 0 |
| 114 | Guinea | GN | 0 |
| 115 | Guinea-Bissau | GW | 0 |
| 116 | Guyana | GY | 0 |
| 117 | Haiti | HT | 0 |
| 118 | Honduras | HN | 0 |
| 119 | India | IN | 0 |
| 120 | Indonesia | ID | 0 |
| 121 | Iran | IR | 0 |
| 122 | Iraq | IQ | 0 |
| 123 | Ivory Coast | CI | 0 |
| 124 | Jamaica | JM | 0 |
| 125 | Japan | JP | 0 |
| 126 | Jordan | JO | 0 |
| 127 | Kazakhstan | KZ | 0 |
| 128 | Kenya | KE | 0 |
| 129 | Kiribati | KI | 0 |
| 130 | Kuwait | KW | 0 |
| 131 | Kyrgyzstan | KG | 0 |
| 132 | Laos | LA | 0 |
| 133 | Lebanon | LB | 0 |
| 134 | Lesotho | LS | 0 |
| 135 | Liberia | LR | 0 |
| 136 | Libya | LY | 0 |
| 137 | Macao | MO | 0 |
| 138 | Madagascar | MG | 0 |
| 139 | Malawi | MW | 0 |
| 140 | Malaysia | MY | 0 |
| 141 | Maldives | MV | 0 |
| 142 | Mali | ML | 0 |
| 143 | Marshall Islands | MH | 0 |
| 144 | Martinique | MQ | 0 |
| 145 | Mauritania | MR | 0 |
| 146 | Mauritius | MU | 0 |
| 147 | Mayotte | YT | 0 |
| 148 | Mexico | MX | 0 |
| 149 | Micronesia | FM | 0 |
| 150 | Mongolia | MN | 0 |
| 151 | Montserrat | MS | 0 |
| 152 | Morocco | MA | 0 |
| 153 | Mozambique | MZ | 0 |
| 154 | Myanmar | MM | 0 |
| 155 | Namibia | NA | 0 |
| 156 | Nauru | NR | 0 |
| 157 | Nepal | NP | 0 |
| 158 | Netherlands Antilles | AN | 0 |
| 159 | New Caledonia | NC | 0 |
| 160 | New Zealand | NZ | 0 |
| 161 | Nicaragua | NI | 0 |
| 162 | Niger | NE | 0 |
| 163 | Nigeria | NG | 0 |
| 164 | Niue | NU | 0 |
| 165 | Northern Mariana Islands | MP | 0 |
| 166 | North Korea | KP | 0 |
| 167 | Occupied Palestinian Territory | PS | 0 |
| 168 | Oman | OM | 0 |
| 169 | Pakistan | PK | 0 |
| 170 | Palau | PW | 0 |
| 171 | Panama | PA | 0 |
| 172 | Papua New Guinea | PG | 0 |
| 173 | Paraguay | PY | 0 |
| 174 | Peru | PE | 0 |
| 175 | Philippines | PH | 0 |
| 176 | Pitcairn | PN | 0 |
| 177 | Qatar | QA | 0 |
| 178 | Reunion | RE | 0 |
| 179 | Rwanda | RW | 0 |
| 180 | Saint Helena | SH | 0 |
| 181 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | 0 |
| 182 | Saint Lucia | LC | 0 |
| 183 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM | 0 |
| 184 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | 0 |
| 185 | Samoa | WS | 0 |
| 186 | Sao Tome and Principe | ST | 0 |
| 187 | Saudi Arabia | SA | 0 |
| 188 | Senegal | SN | 0 |
| 189 | Seychelles | SC | 0 |
| 190 | Sierra Leone | SL | 0 |
| 191 | Solomon Islands | SB | 0 |
| 192 | Somalia | SO | 0 |
| 193 | South Africa | ZA | 0 |
| 194 | South Korea | KR | 0 |
| 195 | Sri Lanka | LK | 0 |
| 196 | Sudan | SD | 0 |
| 197 | Suriname | SR | 0 |
| 198 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJ | 0 |
| 199 | Swaziland | SZ | 0 |
| 200 | Syria | SY | 0 |
| 201 | Taiwan | TW | 0 |
| 202 | Tajikistan | TJ | 0 |
| 203 | United Republic of Tanzania | TZ | 0 |
| 204 | Thailand | TH | 0 |
| 205 | Timor-Leste | TL | 0 |
| 206 | Togo | TG | 0 |
| 207 | Tokelau | TK | 0 |
| 208 | Tonga | TO | 0 |
| 209 | Trinidad and Tobago | TT | 0 |
| 210 | Tunisia | TN | 0 |
| 211 | Turkmenistan | TM | 0 |
| 212 | Turks and Caicos Islands | TC | 0 |
| 213 | Tuvalu | TV | 0 |
| 214 | Uganda | UG | 0 |
| 215 | United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM | 0 |
| 216 | United States Virgin Islands | VI | 0 |
| 217 | Uruguay | UY | 0 |
| 218 | Uzbekistan | UZ | 0 |
| 219 | Vanuatu | VU | 0 |
| 220 | Venezuela | VE | 0 |
| 221 | Viet Nam | VN | 0 |
| 222 | Wallis and Futuna Islands | WF | 0 |
| 223 | Western Sahara | EH | 0 |
| 224 | Yemen | YE | 0 |
| 225 | Zambia | ZM | 0 |
| 226 | Zimbabwe | ZW | 0 |
The Vis. address is the street name part of the address (vis. stands for visiting), the Vis. house nbr is the house number part of the address. The Vis. full address is the combined street name and house number. If the POI supplier provides both the combined and the split up address, it is a good idea to use both of them.
Similarly the Vis. zip code and Vis. zip area, are the sub parts that are combined to the the Vis. complete zip.
Phone and fax must be numbers including the international dialing code, so it is possible to call the number from any phone from anywhere in the world. Any non-digit characters within the phone number string (after the leading + sign) are OK, since they will be removed by the mc2 server.
Short description and long description is the place for storing reviews or any other kind of text about the POI. Keep the short one short, the long one long.
The info key 49 Supplier, carries the supplier string that is presented to the user informing about which supplier that has provided the POI. It should be stored with English language in the POIInfo table.
The info key 100 Sub type icon can be used for specifying that the default POI icon (derived from POI type) shall not be used when displaying a map image, but instead a special POI icon. E.g. for metro stations in Paris (POI type 99 subwayStation), give the sub type icon “franceparissubway”, then the POI icon named “subway_station_franceparissubway” will be used instead of the default “subway_station” (here leaving out the suffix of the file name). The sub type icons must also be defined in the mc2 POIImageIdentificationTable::POIImageIdentificationTable
Some of the info keys are boolean, meaning 1 = true, 0 = false. See list in GetAdditionalPOIInfo::m_keyID_value_is_bool
There are IDs missing in this list, the “empty” IDs are info keys that are deprecated and no longer in use.
| ID | description | isDynamic |
| 0 | Vis. address | 0 |
| 1 | Vis. house nbr | 0 |
| 2 | Vis. zip code | 0 |
| 3 | Vis. complete zip | 0 |
| 4 | Phone | 0 |
| 5 | Vis. zip area | 0 |
| 6 | Vis. full address | 0 |
| 7 | Fax | 0 |
| 8 | Email | 0 |
| 9 | URL | 0 |
| 10 | Brandname | 0 |
| 11 | Short description | 0 |
| 12 | Long description | 0 |
| 13 | Citypart | 0 |
| 14 | State | 0 |
| 15 | Neighborhood | 0 |
| 16 | Open hours | 0 |
| 17 | Nearest train | 0 |
| 18 | Start date | 0 |
| 19 | End date | 0 |
| 20 | Start time | 0 |
| 21 | End time | 0 |
| 22 | Accommodation type | 0 |
| 23 | Check in | 0 |
| 24 | Check out | 0 |
| 25 | Nbr of rooms | 0 |
| 26 | Single room from | 0 |
| 27 | Double room from | 0 |
| 28 | Triple room from | 0 |
| 29 | Suite from | 0 |
| 30 | Extra bed from | 0 |
| 31 | Weekend rate | 0 |
| 32 | Nonhotel cost | 0 |
| 33 | Breakfast | 0 |
| 34 | Hotel services | 0 |
| 35 | Credit card | 0 |
| 36 | Special feature | 0 |
| 37 | Conferences | 0 |
| 38 | Average cost | 0 |
| 39 | Booking advisable | 0 |
| 40 | Admission charge | 0 |
| 41 | Home delivery | 0 |
| 42 | Disabled access | 0 |
| 43 | Takeaway available | 0 |
| 44 | Allowed to bring alcohol | 0 |
| 45 | Type food | 0 |
| 46 | Decor | 0 |
| 47 | Display class | 0 |
| 48 | Image | 0 |
| 49 | Supplier | 0 |
| 50 | Owner | 0 |
| 51 | Price petrol superplus | 1 |
| 52 | Price petrol super | 1 |
| 53 | Price petrol normal | 1 |
| 54 | Price diesel | 1 |
| 55 | Price bio diesel | 1 |
| 56 | Free of charge | 0 |
| 60 | Open season | 1 |
| 61 | Ski mountain max height | 1 |
| 62 | Ski mountain min height | 1 |
| 63 | Snow depth mountain | 1 |
| 64 | Snow depth valley | 1 |
| 65 | Snow quality | 1 |
| 66 | Lifts total | 1 |
| 67 | Lifts open | 1 |
| 68 | Slopes total km | 1 |
| 69 | Slopes open km | 1 |
| 70 | Valley run | 1 |
| 71 | Valley run info | 1 |
| 72 | Cross country skiing | 1 |
| 73 | Cross country skiing total km | 1 |
| 74 | Funpark | 1 |
| 75 | Funpark info | 1 |
| 76 | Night skiing | 1 |
| 77 | Night skiing info | 1 |
| 78 | Glacier area | 1 |
| 79 | Last snowfall | 1 |
| 80 | Halfpipe | 1 |
| 81 | Halfpipe info | 1 |
| 82 | Mountain height (min/max m) | 1 |
| 83 | Snow depth (valley/mountain cm) | 1 |
| 84 | Lifts (open/total) | 1 |
| 85 | Slopes (open/total km) | 1 |
| 86 | Phone Parking TeleP | 0 |
| 87 | Importance | 0 |
| 88 | Major road feature | 0 |
| 89 | Has service | 0 |
| 90 | Has fuel Super95 | 0 |
| 91 | Has fuel Super98 | 0 |
| 92 | Has fuel Normal91 | 0 |
| 93 | Has fuel PKWDiesel | 0 |
| 94 | Has fuel BioDiesel | 0 |
| 95 | Has fuel NatGas | 0 |
| 96 | Has carwash | 0 |
| 97 | Has 24h self service zone | 0 |
| 98 | Drive In | 0 |
| 99 | Unique icon | 0 |
| 100 | Sub type icon | 0 |
| 101 | Mailbox collection times | 0 |
| 103 | Booking URL | 0 |
| 104 | Booking phone number | 0 |
| 105 | Star rate | 0 |
| 107 | Smoking allowed | 0 |
| 108 | Accessible by car | 0 |
| 109 | Info on parking by POI | 0 |
| 110 | Virtual visit URL | 0 |
| 111 | Free phone number | 0 |
| 112 | Rating source | 0 |
| 113 | Geocoding Accuracy Level | 0 |
| ID | langName | dodonaLangID |
| 0 | english | en |
| 1 | swedish | sv |
| 2 | german | de |
| 3 | danish | da |
| 4 | italian | it |
| 5 | dutch | nl |
| 6 | spanish | es |
| 7 | french | fr |
| 8 | welch | |
| 9 | finnish | fi |
| 10 | norwegian | no |
| 11 | portuguese | pt |
| 12 | english (us) | us |
| 13 | czech | cs |
| 14 | albanian | |
| 15 | basque | |
| 16 | catalan | |
| 17 | frisian | |
| 18 | irish | |
| 19 | galician | |
| 20 | letzeburgesch | |
| 21 | raeto romance | |
| 22 | serbo croatian | sr |
| 23 | slovenian | sl |
| 24 | valencian | |
| 25 | hungarian | hu |
| 26 | greek | el |
| 27 | polish | pl |
| 28 | slovak | sk |
| 29 | russian | ru |
| 30 | greek latin syntax | |
| 31 | invalidLanguage | |
| 32 | russian latin syntax | |
| 33 | turkish | tr |
| 34 | arabic | ar |
| 35 | chinese | zh |
| 36 | chinese latin syntax | |
| 37 | estonian | et |
| 38 | latvian | lv |
| 39 | lithuanian | lt |
| 40 | thai | |
| 41 | bulgarian | bg |
| 42 | cyrillic transcript | |
| 43 | indonesian | in |
| 44 | malay | ms |
| 49 | tagalog | tl |
| 50 | belarusian | |
| 53 | croatian | hr |
| 54 | farsi | fa |
| 58 | hebrew | iw |
| 65 | macedonian | |
| 68 | moldavian | |
| 71 | romanian | ro |
| 72 | serbian | |
| 81 | ukrainian | uk |
| 86 | bulgarian latin syntax | |
| 87 | bosnian | |
| 88 | slavic | |
| 89 | belarusian latin syntax | |
| 90 | macedonian latin syntax | |
| 91 | serbian latin syntax | |
| 92 | ukrainian latin syntax | |
| 93 | maltese | |
| 94 | chinese traditional | zht |
| 96 | thai latin syntax | |
| ID | typeName |
| 0 | officialName |
| 1 | alternativeName |
| 2 | roadNumber |
| 3 | invalidName |
| 4 | abbreviationName |
| 5 | uniqueName |
| 6 | exitNumber |
| 7 | synonymName |
| ID | productName | description | defaultMapRight | migrationCandidate | geocodingCandidate | trustedSourceRef | supplierName | mapDataPOIs |
| 51 | OSM_eu | OpenStreetMap data Europe | FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF | 0 | 0 | 1 | OpenStreetMap | 1 |
| 52 | TeleAtlas_eu_shp | Tele Atlas Europe shape | FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF | 0 | 0 | 1 | Tele Atlas | 1 |
| ID | source | productID |
| 249 | OSM_201005 | 51 |
| 250 | TeleAtlas_2010_06_eu_oss | 52 |
| ID | typeName | dodonaStringKey |
| 0 | company | NULL |
| 1 | airport | AIRPORT |
| 2 | amusementPark | AMUSEMENT_PARK |
| 3 | atm | ATM |
| 4 | automobileDealership | AUTOMOBILE_DEALERSHIP |
| 5 | bank | BANK |
| 6 | bowlingCentre | BOWLING_CENTRE |
| 7 | busStation | BUS_STATION |
| 8 | businessFacility | BUSINESS_FACILITY |
| 9 | casino | CASINO |
| 10 | cinema | CINEMA |
| 11 | cityCentre | CITY_CENTRE |
| 12 | cityHall | CITY_HALL |
| 13 | communityCentre | COMMUNITY_CENTRE |
| 14 | commuterRailStation | COMMUTER_RAIL_STATION |
| 15 | courtHouse | COURT_HOUSE |
| 16 | exhibitionOrConferenceCentre | EXHIBITION_OR_CONFERENCE_CENTRE |
| 17 | ferryTerminal | FERRY_TERMINAL |
| 18 | frontierCrossing | FRONTIER_CROSSING |
| 19 | golfCourse | GOLF_COURSE |
| 20 | groceryStore | GROCERY_STORE |
| 21 | historicalMonument | HISTORICAL_MONUMENT |
| 22 | hospital | HOSPITAL |
| 23 | hotel | HOTEL |
| 24 | iceSkatingRink | ICE_SKATING_RINK |
| 25 | library | LIBRARY |
| 26 | marina | MARINA |
| 27 | motoringOrganisationOffice | MOTORING_ORGANISATION_OFFICE |
| 28 | museum | MUSEUM |
| 29 | nightlife | NIGHTLIFE |
| 30 | openParkingArea | OPEN_PARKING_AREA |
| 31 | parkAndRide | PARK_AND_RIDE |
| 32 | parkingGarage | PARKING_GARAGE |
| 33 | petrolStation | PETROL_STATION |
| 34 | policeStation | POLICE_STATION |
| 35 | publicSportAirport | PUBLIC_SPORT_AIRPORT |
| 36 | railwayStation | RAILWAY_STATION |
| 37 | recreationFacility | RECREATION_FACILITY |
| 38 | rentACarFacility | RENT_A_CAR_FACILITY |
| 39 | restArea | REST_AREA |
| 40 | restaurant | RESTAURANT |
| 41 | school | SCHOOL |
| 42 | shoppingCentre | SHOPPING_CENTRE |
| 43 | skiResort | SKI_RESORT |
| 44 | sportsActivity | SPORTS_ACTIVITY |
| 45 | sportsCentre | SPORTS_CENTRE |
| 46 | theatre | THEATRE |
| 47 | touristAttraction | TOURIST_ATTRACTION |
| 48 | touristOffice | TOURIST_OFFICE |
| 49 | university | UNIVERSITY |
| 50 | vehicleRepairFacility | VEHICLE_REPAIR_FACILITY |
| 51 | winery | WINERY |
| 52 | postOffice | POST_OFFICE |
| 53 | tramStation | TRAM_STATION |
| 54 | multi | NULL |
| 56 | shop | POI_SHOP |
| 57 | cemetery | CEMETERY |
| 58 | industrialComplex | INDUSTRIAL_COMPLEX |
| 59 | publicIndividualBuilding | NULL |
| 60 | otherIndividualBuilding | NULL |
| 61 | notCategorised | NULL |
| 62 | unknownType | NULL |
| 63 | airlineAccess | NULL |
| 64 | beach | BEACH |
| 65 | campingGround | CAMPING_GROUND |
| 66 | carDealer | CAR_DEALER |
| 67 | concertHall | CONCERT_HALL |
| 68 | tollRoad | TOLL_ROAD |
| 69 | culturalCentre | CULTURAL_CENTRE |
| 70 | dentist | DENTIST |
| 71 | doctor | DOCTOR |
| 72 | driveThroughBottleShop | DRIVE_THROUGH_BOTTLE_SHOP |
| 73 | embassy | EMBASSY |
| 74 | entryPoint | NULL |
| 75 | governmentOffice | GOVERNMENT_OFFICE |
| 76 | mountainPass | MOUNTAIN_PASS |
| 77 | mountainPeak | MOUNTAIN_PEAK |
| 78 | musicCentre | MUSIC_CENTRE |
| 79 | opera | OPERA |
| 80 | parkAndRecreationArea | PARK_AND_RECREATION_AREA |
| 81 | pharmacy | PHARMACY |
| 82 | placeOfWorship | PLACE_OF_WORSHIP |
| 83 | rentACarParking | RENT_A_CAR_PARKING |
| 84 | restaurantArea | RESTAURANT_AREA |
| 85 | scenicView | SCENIC_VIEW |
| 86 | stadium | STADIUM |
| 87 | swimmingPool | SWIMMING_POOL |
| 88 | tennisCourt | TENNIS_COURT |
| 89 | vetrinarian | VETRINARIAN |
| 90 | waterSports | WATER_SPORTS |
| 91 | yachtBasin | YACHT_BASIN |
| 92 | zoo | ZOO |
| 93 | wlan | WLAN |
| 94 | noType | NULL |
| 95 | invalidPOIType | NULL |
| 96 | church | CHURCH |
| 97 | mosque | MOSQUE |
| 98 | synagogue | SYNAGOGUE |
| 99 | subwayStation | SUBWAY_STATION |
| 100 | cafe | CAFE |
| 101 | hinduTemple | HINDU_TEMPLE |
| 102 | buddhistSite | BUDDHIST_SITE |
| 103 | busStop | BUS_STOP_POI_TYPE |
| 104 | taxiStop | TAXI_STOP_POI_TYPE |
POIs are added to mcm maps in indivdual countries second map generations with the WASPExtractor –addPOIToMap option. This process is called WASPing, or normal WASPing. All underview mcm maps of the country are looped, and for every mcm map, the WASP database is contacted and POIs that fit the mcm map are add to it.
Running a merge map generation it is possible to do a dynamic WASPing with the WASPExtractor –updatePOIInMap option. In the dynamic WASPing all underview mcm maps in the merge storage directory are looped and WASP database contacted to apply changes that happened in the WASP database since the last time the mcm map was WASPed (had POIs added to it, normal or dynamic).
In POI import, these things are happening - Import
* The POI is added to the POI main tables with the import script and the POI Object perl module. The administrative info about the POI, such as validFromVersion, validToVersion, added-date, lastModified-date, inUse, deleted, etc are important to set correctly, for the POIs to be added to the correct mcm maps.
* The validFromVersion of the POIs is picked from the country/before_merge/mapOrigin.txt file in the tmpEW or tmpWW pointed at with the -mapCountriesDirs option.
* POIs that are map data POIs (POIProducts.mapDataPOIs) will have the validToVersion set = validFromVersion, since they should be used only with the map data they belong to. POIs that are NOT map data POIs will have the validToVersion set to NULL, since we don't know how long (for which map releases) they should be used yet. - Create static IDs
* The static IDs of the previous source of the product are re-used as much as possible with the routines script. If the product has POIProduct.trustedSourceRef = yes it helps alot, because we can match the POIMain.sourceReference between the old source and the new source. Else the script runs a duplication detection to match on similarities in coordinate, name, and POI type. This detection does not give a 100% result.
* If no matching POI in the previous source, the POI in the new source is given a new static ID. This is also the case if importing the first source of a product (-newProduct option) - Set the POI rights
* Set the POIMain.rights for each POI in the source, from the POIProducts.defaultMapRight attribute. - Create entry points, if not given from the map supplier
* Loop the mcm maps in all countries/before_merge dirs in tmpEW or tmpWW pointed at with the -mapCountriesDirs option
* For each mcm map contact WASP database with WASPExtractor --createEntryPoints option.
* WASPExtractor selects all POIs that fits the mcm map according to the requirements listed above for normal WASPing, i.e. fits the map release and is within the bbox of the mcm map. If the POI has no entry point, one such is calculated by finding the street segment in the mcm map that is
- closest to the POI symbol coordinate, has the same name as the POI info key 0 visiting address, and is within 200 meters from the symbol coordinate.
- closest to symbol coord, regardless of name
* After looping all maps of the country of the POI, the coordinate of the closest street segment is used as the entry point. There is a limit of 10 km, if the POI has no street segment within 10 km it is not given any entry point.
* The entry point is added to the POIEntryPoints table and POIMain.lastModified is updated.
The order of the steps differs a little for map data POIs and not-map data POIs, see for details.
A special remark for entry points. For map data POIs, the mcm maps of all countries are looped in creation. But running import and ep-creation for external POIs (not map data POIs), only loops mcm maps of the countries that have POICountries.detailLevel = 1 (true). Reason is, only in detailed countries it is interesting to add external POIs to the maps. If large parts of the street network is missing in one country, the external POIs cannot be added to the correct street segment (entry point) anyway.
Map correction records (also in some old documentation called extradata records) are created using the MapEditor tool. When correcting map errors with the MapEditor a text file with records corresponding to the corrections is automatically created. To each record a comment is generated holding such information that is not necessary for making the correction in the map, but most useful when administrating the records.
The map correction records are parsed with their comments and added to the WASP database. The import is done with the perl script
When generating mcm-maps appropriate map correction records are extracted from the database with the ExtraDataExtractor and temporarily stored in map correction files which then are added to the maps with the ExtraDataReader class called with GenerateMapServer -x option. See ExtraDataReader::parseInto for how the map correction records are parsed and added to the mcm maps.
Map errors that cannot be fixed by simple map correction records from MapEditor, need to be fixed in the It can be e.g.
The map correction record format has a very simple structure, it is a text file that consists of records of different types. Each record has two parts; a comment part with administrative information and the record part with the actual map correction record.
The field separator used in the comment and the record is the special string <¡>
(inverted exclamation mark within less-than and greater-than signs). In mc2 it is defined by MC2MapGenUtil::poiWaspFieldSep
for use in the MapEditor
, ExtradataExtractor
and ExtraDataReader
and by param $m_edFieldSep
in the
Please see OldExtraDataUtility::record_t
for all available map correction record types, also defined in WASP EDTypes table. See ExtraDataReader::parseInto
for how each of the record types are parsed.
Here is listed some record types with example records
This is not a real record - only a comment. The comment must, however, contain certain information about the record that follows for correct parsing into the database. This includes original value, mapsupplier reference id (if appropriate), extra data insert type, etc. See the EDMain table attributes for further explanation of the comment fields.
Example of comment for record created with MapEditor:
# Wed Sep 24 15:48:28 2009`<¡>`lotta`<¡>`mc2`<¡>`turn not allowed`<¡>`0xffffffff`<¡>``<!`>``<¡>`beforeGenerateTurndescriptions`<¡>``<¡>`0`<¡>`Sweden`<¡>`0`<¡>`EndOfRecord`<¡>`
A comment extracted from WASP with e.g. ExtradataExtractor has another format of the date-and-time string. It represents the time when the extradata record was added to the database. The comment also contains the extradata record database id. Example:
# 2010-04-08 18:18:00`<¡>`lotta`<¡>`MSV-60874-685`<¡>``<¡>`0xffffffff`<¡>`W107oqs17`<¡>`657904`<¡>`beforeGenerateTurndescriptions`<¡>``<¡>`0`<¡>`France`<¡>`145`<¡>`EndOfRecord`<¡>`
Removes one item from the map. Example:
The item type + coordinate + name identifies the item in the mcm map. The second coordinate is the map ssi coordinate, for defining from which mcm map the item should be removed. Really helpful if the item to remove is on or close to the map boundry, so not an item in the neighbouring mcm map is removed instead.
Sets the roundabout attribute of a given street segment to a new (boolean) value. Example:
setRoundabout`<¡>`(689139671, 146281933)`<¡>`(689138666, 146282305)`<¡>`true`<¡>`EndOfRecord`<¡>`
The street segment to update roundabout attribute for is identified by two coordinates; the first one is the coord of one of it’s node, the second is a coordinate along the segment close to the node.
Updates the name of an item. Example:
The item is identified by the item type + coordinate + item name. The name to update Kyrkgatan is identified by the item name + name type + name language. The new name Skolgatan will have the same name type and language as the old one. It is not possible to change type or language with the UpdateName record. If you want to change name type and/or language, you need to do one removeNameFromItem
in combination with addNameToItem